Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

My grandpa was a Jewish pickle king. He died when I was 2 months old and took the recipe with him. I like to believe he whispered it into my infant ears when he held me and the secret is trapped in my mind.
Dead C; Jewish pickle king heir. That makes me happy. Also, it makes me want a pickle.
I like Frank Ocean but find it hard to comprehend the mass infatuation. I am pleasantly surprised so many people love love love him but simultaneously I am annoyed as I see so many other artists whose work is at least as good not get the plaudits and applause. Maybe it’s only in deep musical circles that Frank Ocean gets all this acclaim but he’s not on the same level as Andre 3000, who has the best track on Blonde, in my book.
I like Channel Orange the best and I think its brilliance is more approachable than Blonde
Ok, I listened to Channel Orange in full and it’s...fine? A few standout tracks including Sweet Life and Pink Matter and Forrest Gump is kinda fun but overall, just not my bag. He reminds me at times of Blood Orange, James Blake, Maxwell but I’d rather listen to those artists instead.
Ok, I listened to Channel Orange in full and it’s...fine? A few standout tracks including Sweet Life and Pink Matter and Forrest Gump is kinda fun but overall, just not my bag. He reminds me at times of Blood Orange, James Blake, Maxwell but I’d rather listen to those artists instead.

No love for Super Rich Kids?
Ok, I listened to Channel Orange in full and it’s...fine? A few standout tracks including Sweet Life and Pink Matter and Forrest Gump is kinda fun but overall, just not my bag. He reminds me at times of Blood Orange, James Blake, Maxwell but I’d rather listen to those artists instead.
Not happy 🥺

Maxwell and Blood Orange make such sexy music though! 😈🙈😋
`Not everyone has to like what you like all the time Nathan. Sometimes its enough to enjoy it yourself and let others be.
Yeah, you’re right, but I’m such a control freak in that I would try hard to make tvham love Channel ORANGE because I know he likes listening to artists such as Maxwell and James Blake, and he at least likes a few tracks on Channel ORANGE 🙉🤷‍♂️
Yeah, you’re right, but I’m such a control freak in that I would try hard to make tvham love Channel ORANGE because I know he likes listening to artists such as Maxwell and James Blake, and he at least likes a few tracks on Channel ORANGE 🙉🤷‍♂️

Sometimes when you don‘t quite 100% like something and you are not 100% sure why someone telling you that you do actually like it and why tips you the other way and makes you hate it. Sometimes you just need to let go an let them come to it, or not, on thier own steam.
Ok, I listened to Channel Orange in full and it’s...fine? A few standout tracks including Sweet Life and Pink Matter and Forrest Gump is kinda fun but overall, just not my bag. He reminds me at times of Blood Orange, James Blake, Maxwell but I’d rather listen to those artists instead.
Pyramids is my favorite track, but it certainly took me a few listens to really love that album. To each their own though, perhaps one day in the future it will click...or it won't. And either way is fine.