Vinyl Me Please Anthology

A few members have started some interesting discussions in the Facebook group between the pictures that probably would be more at home on Instagram or something like VJ. But it has been very lacking on VMP's part. Apart from the podcast it really doesn't feel like they planned anything and just hoped the members would keep it going. I used to run FB pages and for something like this I feel like we would have needed posts ready days, if not weeks, in advance. Just post interesting facts about the records, give some info about the other musicians playing each record, talk about what Blue Note was releasing in the same era, dig up some old live performance, anything...
The whole thing just reeks of your typical Silicon Valley startup bull... Raise money and excitement through breathless videos and promises and conceptual ideas all slickly presented complete with all your usual buzzwords and name dropping. Then once everyone has paid up and you finally get your product you discover that 3/4s of what's been promised has either been cut or has been seriously downgraded.
FAN COMMUNITY! - Facebook group where anything not positive towards the product is deleted.
LEARN ABOUT JAZZ FROM THE PROS! - Google links on Facebook Group.
AMA'S! - Questions collected ahead of time and screened for content.
Listening parties! Giveaways! Discounts! - No word on any of these yet.

They promise the world, and deliver an atlas.

At least the music itself sounds good by all accounts. Too bad about all the rest of it.
The whole thing just reeks of your typical Silicon Valley startup bull... Raise money and excitement through breathless videos and promises and conceptual ideas all slickly presented complete with all your usual buzzwords and name dropping. Then once everyone has paid up and you finally get your product you discover that 3/4s of what's been promised has either been cut or has been seriously downgraded.
FAN COMMUNITY! - Facebook group where anything not positive towards the product is deleted.
LEARN ABOUT JAZZ FROM THE PROS! - Google links on Facebook Group.
AMA'S! - Questions collected ahead of time and screened for content.
Listening parties! Giveaways! Discounts! - No word on any of these yet.

They promise the world, and deliver an atlas.

At least the music itself sounds good by all accounts. Too bad about all the rest of it.
Can you please start up a podcast called RUM (Riled Up Mather). Basically, you get drunk and just go IN on people, places and things.
The whole thing just reeks of your typical Silicon Valley startup bull... Raise money and excitement through breathless videos and promises and conceptual ideas all slickly presented complete with all your usual buzzwords and name dropping. Then once everyone has paid up and you finally get your product you discover that 3/4s of what's been promised has either been cut or has been seriously downgraded.
FAN COMMUNITY! - Facebook group where anything not positive towards the product is deleted.
LEARN ABOUT JAZZ FROM THE PROS! - Google links on Facebook Group.
AMA'S! - Questions collected ahead of time and screened for content.
Listening parties! Giveaways! Discounts! - No word on any of these yet.

They promise the world, and deliver an atlas.

At least the music itself sounds good by all accounts. Too bad about all the rest of it.

Oh boy, so much of that description reminds me of Experience Vinyl.
A few members have started some interesting discussions in the Facebook group between the pictures that probably would be more at home on Instagram or something like VJ. But it has been very lacking on VMP's part. Apart from the podcast it really doesn't feel like they planned anything and just hoped the members would keep it going. I used to run FB pages and for something like this I feel like we would have needed posts ready days, if not weeks, in advance. Just post interesting facts about the records, give some info about the other musicians playing each record, talk about what Blue Note was releasing in the same era, dig up some old live performance, anything...
Very little has been exclusive to the VMP "experience". That's one of the big issues with the whole project.
ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED, a 7 x LP foil-stamped, limited to 1,000, vinyl experience by Mather Me, Please. Explore the history of things that Make Mather Mad ©®™. AAA + RTI + mastered by Kevin Gray. Preorder now exclusive to Needles and Grooves members only for advanced price of $280 $230.
*sends press release to and vinyl junkies*
Someone should definitely ask Don that question 🤡
I mean to be fair he probably did not have much if anything to do with the design of this. He probably just gave the green light to do this anthology and helped out VMP by giving them some albums that would fit the vision and weren’t part of another campaign.

I can’t imagine he would be OK with it though! He literally told a story in the first podcast about going to his local record store just to hold a Blue Note record and look at the artwork and read the liner notes. Come to think of it, I feel he would be kind of disappointed in his own cool minded way.