Welcome - Introduce Yourself Here


I never introduced myself in the last place. I’m Christina. I’m from Las Vegas but live in Louisiana for now. I like records, dogs and yarn. My bro @Ginormousthumbs lies about my inability to control my vinyl spending. In fact, I’m not buying for a while.

Well Christina, that's cool because we don't sell vinyl. Unlike that other place!
I've lurked on the Online Vinyl Deals thread at VMP for a couple years, never doing much else in the forums. Since a couple days ago, and seeing how passionate everyone was, I poked around the rest of the forum and was shocked at how much great stuff I was missing. I'm happy to have the forum's crew relocated to a new location. Thanks to all who put in the hard work to give everyone a new place to maintain relationships and to new people like me to discover these threads and make new friends.
I’m Kerry. Married to @Ginormousthumbs. I think he’s exaggerating when he said I buy more vinyl than him. But, we have a big collection. I’m also an avid reader and a bird nerd. We have a four year old. She’s a handful. Hi everyone!
Hooray! Another mom! I have a 9, 8 and 7 year old and they are all totally exhausting!

Oh, BTW, I'm heeeerrrreee.


:D 💞