Needles & Grooves AoTM /// Vol. 8 - February 2020 /// Ibeyi - Ash

Well ive given Ash 30 mins on Spotify - "Deathless might have been my standout" - Certainly worth a second listen later and can see this being added to the N&G set !!

If it is Ibeyi of course...........

I just went ahead and got it, can’t go wrong for £7.99 on eBay! If it’s not the AoTM it’s hardly busting the bank!
I'm not ready to reveal anything. No one broke the Queen B clue. I think.
That's the equivalent of a Social Security Number, used for tax purposes.
And it's one the reasons all my import orders have to be tracked.
Once they get here I have to link the tracking number to my CPF, then pay import duties.

So there is no way for me to buy from them?
Not sure really.
It's odd that they are requesting a CPF number from a foreign customer.

I'll contact their CS. I usually try to order from independant stores but I never know how much I'll have to pay on custom fees. At least, Amazon charges me upfront and I know from the beginning how much will I have to pay.