Game of Thrones

I liked it and am glad they tied up all of the loose ends. I was worried the whole episode was going to be able taking out Dany and it was just going to end with the sun rising behind the Starks right after they kill her and not explain what happens from there. Didn't expect Jon or Bran so I was good with that, and happy they explained where everything ended up.
Do we know for sure if Jon was ranging at the end or going to live with The Wildlings? He still had his Crow uniform on which is why I wasn't sure.
I mean we dont know for sure for sure, but it looked to me that Jon was going far North for good. The way I viewed it the whole Jon going to the Nights Watch was Tyrion getting one over on Grey Worm. The nights watch is destroyed and there are no pressing reasons to bring it back since there are no more white walkers and the North is at peace with the Wildlings. Also the wall and everything above it is really is a North problem and not a 6 Kingdoms problem going forward.
I mean we dont know for sure for sure, but it looked to me that Jon was going far North for good. The way I viewed it the whole Jon going to the Nights Watch was Tyrion getting one over on Grey Worm. The nights watch is destroyed and there are no pressing reasons to bring it back since there are no more white walkers and the North is at peace with the Wildlings. Also the wall and everything above it is really is a North problem and not a 6 Kingdoms problem going forward.
You're probably right because when John got to, not sure if that was Castle Black or not, it only seemed to be Wildlings waiting to go North. They should have just had Jon wearing a gray coat so we know for sure. It woukd be a much better ending if he was going North permanently.

My other thought on the finale is that it set itself up so that the story could continue with interesting storylines already in place.
So over the past month or however long it’s been, I’ve gone through the the entire series. As I watched past seasons as people tuned into the new one, I often saw online talk of how terrible it was. I thought there’s no way it can be that bad. Like I’m enjoying it so much I can’t imagine it being so awful that people create and sign a petition to remake the final season (which by the way is hilarious and sad that people did that). Turns out yeah the hate was way overblown. However, watching the series this way does provide a nice way to view how things build and expand and pay off. And there’s no question that seasons 7-8 declined a little. The focus was narrower (which at this point I mean is kinda expected) - not a bad thing really. But the pacing was not the way the show was for 6 prior seasons. Again, sort of expected considering it’s the climax and the fact that the showrunners chose this many episodes to wrap it all up. Some things may not land as hard as they should because of the pacing, but ultimately the show is still a worthwhile watch with some nice growth for a lot of characters. I’m also reading the first book right now and there’s some stuff planted throughout the winds its way into these final episodes. It’s not unsatisfying really. And especially when you’re able to watch it all straight through, it works even better.

In the end, I watched the entire final season yesterday, finishing the finale at 1AM. Yeah, not a great decision really. I didn’t want to rush myself through the end but...well I did. It didn’t necessarily diminish my enjoyment. But it would have been nice to watch week to week. Anyway...

I am sure people are angry and disappointed. But I thought it was a fairly good wrap up, with things all tied together pretty neatly. There are things I didn’t like. The quick rise of Dany’s vengeance was slightly unearned but at the same time the vitriol people had against it was kind of ridiculous too. Also it has been hinted at throughout much of her storyline. And I found that dark turn ultimately an enjoyable (as much as it can be) watch. It was messed up. The quick killing of her in the finale was again just slightly too quick, in a way? But I didn’t dislike it. Now Bran being king I honestly did not expect at all. Because for as interested as I was in his storyline leading up to him becoming the three eyed raven, the show just gave him basically nothing to do after that. And the acting was...not great. But it’s a solid way to end his story I guess. Arya’s ending was probably my favorite because it just makes the most sense to me. Jon having to go away was...well I don’t know how to feel about it yet.

So, basically, the show definitely changed a bit once the source material went away, but especially because of the shortened seasons. There was just a feeling that was missing or something. And yet in the end it’s still a pretty satisfying journey. Could have been better, yes, but it’s not awful by any stretch. I have more thoughts but I’ll leave it there for now.

Buuut the people on Facebook saying literally “WORST EPISODE EVER” - I genuinely ask, what would you have wanted?
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Saw this on YouTube the other day and it kinda conveys what I'm thinking and I think alot more too. It annoyed me how they explained why the night king wanted bran so badly with two throwaway lines one by bran & one by samwell that was it explanation over. Why was the night king created by children of the forest? Why is bran the three eyed raven? Just some of my frustrations. What help was bran when he warged during the long night? Then other loose ends getting sewn up badly like Euron & Jamie have that ridiculous fight and Eurons sign off line was cringeworthy, Cersei death....ah I could go on 😥

Edit: I know there are answers to some of the questions too but any answers that were given are pathetic at best. Game of thrones was great at story depth until the last couple of seasons
It's red herrings all the way down...
Our hotel doesn't have HBO so we decided to watch the finale at a public viewing at an Austin Irish Pub, Darcy's Donkey, which is more fun anyway. They've got special menu for the showing.
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The overall arc was fine to good. But this seasons should have been 2-3 full seasons to actually get there.
Yes, truth!
For how this season was set up and the pace, I'm ok with it.

.........what to watch now?
His Dark Materials and Watchmen!!!
Talk about affirmative action gone mad! Jesus! **SPOILER** They made the fucken wheelie bloke the fucking KING! PC gone mad!

Let me guess, the internet is having a weeping great panty shit over that disgraceful, disgusting final episode. Crapping its collective dungarees after such a pathetic denouement. "Why didnt such-and-such do such-and-such? WHY? ANSWER ME" they wail into the windless internet.

I thought shit was fine. Looked epic to me, was right into it. Although I was hoping they would tie up the closing minutes with an epic 4-minute musical montage with, yes, the soaring strains of ED SHEERAN mewling over his plucked mandolin or some shit. Fuck yeah, another grinning Eddie cameo, strumming jauntily on the ol' mando as he strode cocksure and red through the ashen Kings Landing shire. Just to throw The Seething & Unbetrothed InterNet Guardian Gatekeepers of The Books into an apoplectic tizz of frothing impotent rage
As the mom of two Autistic boys, tell me more about this affirmative action/PC gone mad.

Bran holds the collective memory of Westeros how would that be a bad thing for a ruler? Who else is more qualified?

It was really okay. They could have done so much but you can't please all of the people all of the time, but I guess you can piss them all off. The finale wasn't nearly as bad as the interwebz hyped it up to be. I'm okay with this as long as GRRM finishes the other two books now.
It's not even hate, honestly. Just disappointment. At its best, GoT felt like something bigger than television, and these last few seasons, for all their sound and fury, just felt like TV. Conceptually, they had some sound ideas, but the whole thing felt so rushed that there was no time to lay appropriate thematic groundwork. You could see the strings.
Did anyone else feel like the Jon stabbing Dany seen wax pretty emotionless. It was just kind of like ok... That just happened. Drogon showed more emotion than Jon or Dany.

I did like how Dany was trying to tell a cute childhood story and Jon was in no mood.
It's not even hate, honestly. Just disappointment. At its best, GoT felt like something bigger than television, and these last few seasons, for all their sound and fury, just felt like TV. Conceptually, they had some sound ideas, but the whole thing felt so rushed that there was no time to lay appropriate thematic groundwork. You could see the strings.
Maybe that's why I'm not disappointed by these last few seasons, because GoT was never anything more than an above average TV show to me. It was appointment viewing more so because of how big it was and I knew spoilers would be unavoidable than because I thought it was something uber special.

I also do understand the disappointment because HBO needlessly rushed their biggest property in years to the finish line.
Did anyone else feel like the Jon stabbing Dany seen wax pretty emotionless. It was just kind of like ok... That just happened. Drogon showed more emotion than Jon or Dany.

I did like how Dany was trying to tell a cute childhood story and Jon was in no mood.
Yea they both got out acted by a cgi dragon because they are two of the worst actors on the show.
Oh also although I liked Drogon getting mad and sad, pushing Dany’s body and all that, the fact that he specifically destroys the iron throne was a bit goofy. Like he understands what this is all about. I don’t know...didn’t land. Though I appreciate that the thing everyone wants winds up getting destroyed in the end.
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It reminded me of the ending to The Wire. The cycle repeats itself. Sure, Bran is the King but the Small Council still runs things. My only qualms are Drogon's reaction and the speed at which Jon and Dany was resolved. But seriously, Bran is the worst. I have no doubt the fate of those characters is exactly what GRRM had in mind. I was kinda hoping for a White Walker sighting at the end, just to show the Night's Watch still has a job to do.
Oh also although I liked Drogon getting mad and sad, pushing Dany’s body and all that, the fact that he specifically destroys the iron throne was a bit goofy. Like he understands what this is all about. I don’t know...didn’t land. Though I appreciate the that the thing everyone wants winds up getting destroyed in the end.

I like to think Drogon saw the dagger and was like THAT CHAIR KILLED MOM, but it was more likely D&D trying to provide a subtle metaphor.
Dragons are rumored to be more intelligent then humans (In GoT lore). The show doesnt really show this but yeah

The dragon burning the chair was showing us that the dragon understand the situation.

But its open to individual interpretation really.. maybe they are cows with wings and dragons hate chairs?
I enjoyed. Best episode of the season.


Hahahah jkz

Glad you enjoyed it lee :)
I mean it all made sense. Even going into the finale things from the last episode made sense. While I like the whole house of cards analogy, I actually think Cersai dying in run of the mill manner (something that could happen to anyone) was probably the worst kind of fate she could imagine: there won’t be songs of her demise, she just was no more, almost as if she never was.