What's Spinning

I swear I haven't forgotten about the stacks made yesterday. The cumulative effect of working long night shifts on weekends for a majority of the past six years has fucked up my circadian rhythm in the past few months (outside of vacation last month).

Lucinda Chua - YIAN [3/5]


One of the most gorgeous and restorative records I heard last year; I had it in my top10. I've seen Chua's performances in social media through photos and video, and she looks and sounds much like the angel she plays on the front cover on YIAN. Slotting somewhere between modern classical and art pop, her fragile voice percolates achingly across an ascending, enveloping string section.
She played a pair of dates in the United States earlier this year, but hopefully she will stop in PDX someday. She's high on my concert bucket list of small name performers.