What's Spinning

I remember when I first started this over a year ago we were talking about doing another run based on year of release. I may still do that, but gonna take a break for a bit. This was quite a task!

If I can finish mine by the end of year 3, I think that will be quite a feat. I definitely need to slow down on the incoming stuff! Not only to be able to reach the finish line but also because I've been spending the money I need for more storage and/or a system upgrade on just bringing more in. As fun as it is to try and "catch 'em all" I'm gonna aim to smarten up a bit next year!
If I can finish mine by the end of year 3, I think that will be quite a feat. I definitely need to slow down on the incoming stuff! Not only to be able to reach the finish line but also because I've been spending the money I need for more storage and/or a system upgrade on just bringing more in. As fun as it is to try and "catch 'em all" I'm gonna aim to smarten up a bit next year!
Right? The whole point of this for me was to listen to what I had and slow down. That did not work!