What's Spinning

Spacemen 3’ was Jason Pierce’s first group with Sonic Boom, they were more Drone, Psych, Garage type music. Eventually the two main singer songwriters split and Jason went on to form Spiritualized. The first two Spiritualized albums expand on what he was doing with Spacemen 3 but then with LAGWAFIS, he starts incorporating elements of gospel into his music and from there he expands and refined that style going forward.

TL;DR: if you prefer Lazer Guided Melodies more then Ladies And Gentlemen… You should check out Spacemen 3 discography it may better suit your taste.
Thank you for the music history! I'm guessing that Pure Phase would be a recommendation seeing as that is the second Spiritualized album you allude to in addition to Spacemen 3?
Thank you for the music history! I'm guessing that Pure Phase would be a recommendation seeing as that is the second Spiritualized album you allude to in addition to Spacemen 3?
Yeah, I personally prefer Lazer Guided Melodies to Pure Phase but it’s more of the same, if you enjoy LGM you will like also enjoy Pure Phase.

If you are curious where to start with Spacemen 3 I would recommend beginning with the end with Recurring, it’s their last album as a group. Sonic Boom and Jason were essentially working separately by that point and each wrote all the songs for a side, Sonic Boom on Side A and Pierce on Side B respectively. You think it would be disjointed but I think it worked surprisingly well. Their best album as a functioning band was probably Playing With Fire, The Perfect Prescription is quite good too. If you wanna get a bit weirder (in a good way) check out Dreamweapon which consists mostly of a 40 minute long repetitive, droney, instrumental piece called “An Evening of Contemporary Sitar Music” that was recorded live. It’s hypnotic.