What's Spinning

Don Rendell/Ian Carr Quintet- Phase IIIView attachment 69411

One of my vinyl related regrets was selling the 'Don Rendell & Ian Carr - The Complete Lansdowne Recordings 1965 - 1969' box set last year. I was browsing Sister Ray records' new online shop and saw 1 copy was in stock for the RRP and quickly bought it. I posted some photos on my Instagram story and got a message from a guy in America offering way way way more than what I paid. It would have been silly to refuse so I ended up selling it to him before I had a chance to properly dig in. Really fantastic looking set as well.
Johnny Griffin at the Village Vanguard 1986
Sonny Rollins at Fairfield Hall, Croydon (final couple of tracks)

The Griffin features Kenny Washington - Drums, Ray Drummer - Contrabass and Ronnie Matthews - Piano. The Rollins features Mark Soskin - Piano, Tommy Cambell - Drums, Jerome Harris - Electric Bass and Clifton Anderson - Trombone. Funny anecdote to go with the Rollins. Fairfield Hall is in Croydon, which isn't a million miles away from where we currently live. My girlfriend has always been from the area we live now and when I mentioned that this gig was recorded at the Fairfield Hall in Croydon she said shes performed there as well.....at her primary school nativity play when she was a kid. Take THAT Rollins :ROFLMAO:

Yeah, I only have 2 of them but they are really well done and sound great, but if someone wants to give me silly money !!! 😂
One of my vinyl related regrets was selling the 'Don Rendell & Ian Carr - The Complete Lansdowne Recordings 1965 - 1969' box set last year. I was browsing Sister Ray records' new online shop and saw 1 copy was in stock for the RRP and quickly bought it. I posted some photos on my Instagram story and got a message from a guy in America offering way way way more than what I paid. It would have been silly to refuse so I ended up selling it to him before I had a chance to properly dig in. Really fantastic looking set as well.
Tina Brooks - The Complete Blue Note Recordings Of The Tina Brooks Quintets (Mosaic, 1985 First Limited Box Set)

Good time to crack on with this box set before I get another meeting invite my way. When I first started looking out for Mosaic box sets, this was the one I really wanted above the others. Its a superb box that contains all of Brook's recordings, many of which were shelved or released in Japan only.

One of my vinyl related regrets was selling the 'Don Rendell & Ian Carr - The Complete Lansdowne Recordings 1965 - 1969' box set last year. I was browsing Sister Ray records' new online shop and saw 1 copy was in stock for the RRP and quickly bought it. I posted some photos on my Instagram story and got a message from a guy in America offering way way way more than what I paid. It would have been silly to refuse so I ended up selling it to him before I had a chance to properly dig in. Really fantastic looking set as well.
Fuck man. When I bought my house 2 years ago my mortgage company gave me a list of fixes before they'd release the funds and I let some big hitters go that I'd have loved to still have to get in a quick couple of grand that I hadn't budgeted . My mofi blonde on blonde is the big miss but my kinks and stones mono boxes, Frank Ocean's Blonde, the VMP Paak Venice.... Aaaaargh!!!!

Picked the kinks box back up last week for 50 quid more than I sold my own for. Been chasing a blonde on blonde for over a year now and I've just sacked off ever getting the stones box back. Last one I saw in the UK was going for £800.

Writing funding outlines so flipping record sides is out and ive Gone digital today. Here's hoping this makes it out for its 25th next year