Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

I had seen the list. Pretty lacklustre quarter again.

I think The W is the title that interested me most for April, but when I went back to revisit it the other day I just don't see myself needing it on the shelf. There are a couple absolute bangers but it's a rather mixed affair overall.
I had seen the list. Pretty lacklustre quarter again.
I can see why many are not psyched about Oliver Nelson “Straight Ahead.” It’s not really a “swinging’ affair” as Dexter Gordon might say, but if I didn’t have the OG mono, I’d be very happy to be getting it.
I think The W is the title that interested me most for April, but when I went back to revisit it the other day I just don't see myself needing it on the shelf. There are a couple absolute bangers but it's a rather mixed affair overall.
I can see why many are not psyched about Oliver Nelson “Straight Ahead.” It’s not really a “swinging’ affair” as Dexter Gordon might say, but if I didn’t have the OG mono, I’d be very happy to be getting it.

I am in with the Wu because I am a Wu fan and may, or not, go with Oliver Nelson as well. I already have SRV, I have enough Nillson and I am not enough in country so I'll pass on the other three.
I am in with the Wu because I am a Wu fan and may, or not, go with Oliver Nelson as well. I already have SRV, I have enough Nillson and I am not enough in country so I'll pass on the other three.

Also, I am enough in country to try to grab that Anthology but enough in Comedy for the other.
I can see why many are not psyched about Oliver Nelson “Straight Ahead.” It’s not really a “swinging’ affair” as Dexter Gordon might say, but if I didn’t have the OG mono, I’d be very happy to be getting it.

I am in with the Wu because I am a Wu fan and may, or not, go with Oliver Nelson as well. I already have SRV, I have enough Nillson and I am not enough in country so I'll pass on the other three.

I don't think I can swing an add-on this month, else I would probably go with the Oliver Nelson as well. Still may if I can't nab Waylon. But I may also swap for credit to grab the new WILLIE Nelson instead.