Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Annnnd the mods at r/vinylmeplease removed the poll.

@MattHasIdeas - what's up with that? A user poll is outside of the scope of the megathread of complaints.

FWIW, the poll currently stands at 31 in favor, 29 against.
That poll was fucking stupid.

I have a box coming from them in my informed delivery but everything is still unfulfilled on my orders page. Sucks because I'll have to wait even longer after it arrives to see whats in it as I will be gone all next week.
My bigger concern is going to be swaps. Because I can guarantee you that someone is going to swap for something that others are waiting on, they'll receive their shipment, and those of us still waiting never will...then it will go out of stock and they'll cancel our orders.

It's a mess for sure. The concerning part is the comments you all are getting like, "we shipped it but don't know where to" or the "something shipped out but we're not sure what". Or the items marked as unfulfilled even though people have them in hand. It seems like their system just isn't updating at all or isn't talking to its customer service ticketing system or something. But they definitely have weeks worth of bad data at this point. They don't seem to know who has received what or who should get what.

I don't even know how they can fix this while continuing with baseline. They are swamped and not communicating. Which leads to wild speculation. Which leads to these pitchfork-like threads. This is the part that is maddening. They've had issues in the past and we've begged them, BEGGED THEM, to just put out a clear communication to everyone with their planned action steps. And for some reason they still refuse to just do that. Just communicate. It would immediately halt over half the furor. Maybe they think an official communication will land in the laps of their investors or artists and make them look bad. But at this point, come on!

I really really hope you all get your albums and absent that, your refunds. Please stay proactive on it. Create paper trails and stay after them!
That poll was fucking stupid.

Right, because you didn't like it.

You stated as much on reddit, did ya really need to come here to tell me again?

I have a box coming from them in my informed delivery but everything is still unfulfilled on my orders page. Sucks because I'll have to wait even longer after it arrives to see whats in it as I will be gone all next week.

Cool, I don't. Thousands of others don't.

They should probably fix that before re-burying themselves again, don't ya think?

Or are you of the belief that their system will magically work 100% fine for January RotMs?
another day, another day of unfulfilled.... Aretha, Idler Wheel, Still Woozy x2.... i sent another email to C.S. too... i've been starting to comment on their twitter so most likely on the naughty list now. Just frustrated with them. likely cancelling after i get my records. Only thing i'm interested in upcoming is the When the Pawn, but sure it will be open to non members like Idler was anyhow.
Right, because you didn't like it.

You stated as much on reddit, did ya really need to come here to tell me again?

Cool, I don't. Thousands of others don't.

They should probably fix that before re-burying themselves again, don't ya think?

Or are you of the belief that their system will magically work 100% fine for January RotMs?
No, I don't think. I think at this point the complainers are a loud minority. I'd be pissed if they delayed something I already paid for 3 weeks ago just to make complainers like you happy.
Or are you of the belief that their system will magically work 100% fine for January RotMs?
Seems telling that none of the communication people have reported is “Yeah we know the transition period is rough but we have confidence that moving forward blah blah blah.” There are no assurances about the future, period, from what I’ve seen.
Well they took the poll down, they're removing posts faster than people can read them lately. I voted no on cancelling Jan altogether , but i wouldn't mind if they announced in advance that the Jan orders would be postponed until they caught up on Nov and Dec. It won't look good when people are posting pics of their NERD albums before others get their Nov shipments.
No, I don't think. I think at this point the complainers are a loud minority. I'd be pissed if they delayed something I already paid for 3 weeks ago just to make complainers like you happy.
When Said company does not communicate - AT ALL and have the balls to remove posts (see Bookface and Insta), complainers are allowed to improvise, and do whatever the FUCK they want. And yes, we will take our money elsewhere. But in the mean time, we are owed what we actually PAID for.
another day, another day of unfulfilled.... Aretha, Idler Wheel, Still Woozy x2.... i sent another email to C.S. too... i've been starting to comment on their twitter so most likely on the naughty list now. Just frustrated with them. likely cancelling after i get my records. Only thing i'm interested in upcoming is the When the Pawn, but sure it will be open to non members like Idler was anyhow.
Didn’t anyone tell you? You’re not allowed to send anymore emails, you’re only permitted to send them good vibes.
No, I don't think. I think at this point the complainers are a loud minority. I'd be pissed if they delayed something I already paid for 3 weeks ago just to make complainers like you happy.

So you’d be pissed for not getting something you paid for 3 weeks ago? I, and likely other complainers, have not received something that I paid for over 6 weeks ago.
No, I don't think. I think at this point the complainers are a loud minority. I'd be pissed if they delayed something I already paid for 3 weeks ago just to make complainers like you happy.

When 15k people are still waiting, I don't think it's a minority. You have a group speaking up out of that 15k. But they are certainly not a small minority of people impacted.
$0 because the value of any shipment must be over $1000, for me to pay any custom fees in Australia! 🙌😇😚🐒

So much envy. Here you have to pay 50% of anything over $20 per month. And now it seems they're adding a 30% if you buy something abroad so... goodbye buying imported vinyl!
They were cancelled. I think because it was part of the VMP experience, but not directly something that made money. So it had to go.
The Spins were a Severan & Green Beans brainchild intended to increase the community aspect and membership value of VMP. Since his departure and GB's subsequent shackling at the ankles, they did away with them.
What happened to the spins anyway? I remember going to a few at a bar in Brooklyn years ago.
I met up with a guy that used to run a Spins event in Fort Worth. He said at first it was great. He'd set it up with the bar and bring a turntable and other gear if needed, and in exchange I think he got the ROTM + 1 or 2 more albums from the store. He said communicating with them was great and a lot of fun.
But then they changed it to you had to purchase X number of records to host, but it was at a discount.
And then it wasn't even at a discount at the end. You were required to purchase multiple albums to be allowed to host their marketing event. A serious WTF and spit in the face for their strongest advocates.
I might have some of those details wrong, anyone feel free to correct me. But that seems to be what I remember him saying.

I voted no. They need to put on their big boy pants and hire some temps to get this done. This problem is so much bigger than a ROTM. If they staffed up with seasonal workers (like every other online retail company) they could be packing boxes literally 24/7. Maybe it wouldn't actually be on a truck yet, but every single member would at least have tracking numbers.