Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Y'all might appreciate this.
Got home yesterday night after a day out with the family. A large box is on the porch.

My 2-year-old: "Look, Daddy got more records!"

...and she was right.
The other day we were watching the Jeopardy championship. When Trebeck said Jennings broke all the Jeopardy records. My five year old daughter looks at me and says I wish he’d come break all your records . Rude
They refunded Pinkerton. Like why the fuck would you string people around holding their money when you don't know if you even have stock or not. Saying you did a stock count and this mess being done is so frustrating. So disappointing. So mad right now.

According to Reddit they literally had copies of Pinkerton in the store earlier today wtf