Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Yeah, this has been a BFD here in Tennessee bc we don’t have state income tax. So we rely heavily on sales tax. We’ve been paying that internet retailer tax for a few years now. For a while it was a sweet deal though. No states sales tax and all the out of state internet shopping...
Oh yeah it has been. As a fellow Tennessean, I’m well aware. It was a good ride while it lasted, but Uncle Sugar is gonna get his cut sooner or later.
Not sure if anyone has mentioned this, but their LLC filings are here. Fielder has posted two offerings. The one in 2019 worth less than the one in 2018. In 2018 they had 14 investors, in 2019 they had 3. Translation, they’re done. I say this sincerely, and because I care, if you haven’t already... distance yourself from this company or you will ge caught holding their bag.

I usually lurk in the shadows since moving over from the old forum, but I logged in to comment on this post. The reference to three investors vs 14 investors in the prior filing is not necessarily bad. Each investor put in more money this time, so they may have been more sophisticated investors, which may be good. It was a smaller raise, but maybe they didn’t need as much money this year (and instead opted to use short term loans via the kickthecan website to support cash flow needs in order to avoid giving away more of the company via equity). I’m not saying that’s the case, I’m just saying whether it’s a good or bad sign of their financial condition depends on facts we don’t know, so the “translation” offered in the post was pure speculation.

Since I have already logged in and don’t plan to do so again for a while, I want to say (1) I still love you guys, (2) I concede that VMP mishandles a lot of stuff, including this latest site transition fiasco (I am in the 5%), which hurts their standing in the market and in the eyes of their subscribers, BUT the whining (aggregate, not pointed at anyone in particular) and pervasive negativity in VMP threads on this forum has reached epic proportions to where every action/inaction is interpreted in the worst possible way ad nauseam page after page; and (3) as a result, the utility of this community for non-whining purposes is decreasing (as it relates to VMP threads). It helps for all of us to stay informed about developments, but I’d love to read about music and vinyl again someday.

That’s all. I’ll get off my soapbox and soak in the irony that I whined about negativity instead of posting about music. :)
There's some Bitte Orca info up on the VMP site now... And I got an email too. The site still only shows the tracklist for the first LP but the email does mention the b-sides and live tracks.


I prefer Clipse but a lotta folks really enjoy Simz. The Neptune’s production is at the top of their game and I love me some good coke rap.
I love both albums, but I think @tonythegamer is right and Clipse most likely has lower numbers. Used to have a copy but gifted mine to someone who really wanted one.

Love me some Push.
Oh yeah it has been. As a fellow Tennessean, I’m well aware. It was a good ride while it lasted, but Uncle Sugar is gonna get his cut sooner or later.
I will take that over a state income tax any day of the week. Look...some people will say “but your sales tax is almost 10%”. But if you look at states with high income tax (CA, IL, NY), look at their sales tax. It’s also high
I will take that over a state income tax any day of the week. Look...some people will say “but your sales tax is almost 10%”. But if you look at states with high income tax (CA, IL, NY), look at their sales tax. It’s also high
100%. We stormed the state capital building last time they tried to enact one, and I’ll be there if they try it again.