Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

OMG, this new Kate Bollingers VMP Rising is actually so good! It’s very intoxicating, soppy, love-sick, minnie riperton lalala-da dreamy kinda music! And her vocals have that rich, warm texture to them! She has like semi contralto voice like Amy Winehouse but has that subdued, smokiness like Kali Uchis! I really, really like it!!! ♥️
So, we have four different days that will each have a VMP exclusive drop’ Moses Sumney’s upcoming album is dropping on one of the days next week, Kate Bollinger’s EP dropping on one of the other days. Maybe the Ann Blues Festival exclusives will drop on another day and Fiona Apple will drop on a different day too! Hopefully Still Woozy isn’t a VMP Rising and is a store exclusive, so we get that one as well! 😄🙏
Just saw FKA Twigs new show. It was one of the best I’ve seen in years. If she is coming to your city, do yourself a favor. Guaranteed satisfaction!
OMG! I’m so jealous!!! I really want to see her live!!!!! She’s my favourite artist at the moment!

And I’m so happy you said it was the best show you went to, in years!!! ♥️🙏
OMG! I’m so jealous!!! I really want to see her live!!!!! She’s my favourite artist at the moment!

And I’m so happy you said it was the best show you went to, in years!!! ♥🙏
I saw her on her last tour and it was great but this was an entirely different level. This is THE show to see this year. I saw big thief a few weeks ago and Angel Olsen earlier this week and they were amazing, but nothing compared to twigs.
And then the week after, we have the Black Friday sale! 🔥🥳🙏🙋‍♂️😍🎉

I really hope VMP have a great sale! Like 15-20% off storewide or something like that! 🤞
I like your optimism. I really do. But I have no faith in them to deliver. Here's how I predict this Black Friday "sale" will go down:

A couple hours before the sale goes live, they raise the prices on all exclusives. Somewhere between a $3-$5 increase (ex.: a $25 exclusive in store would change to $29 after price increase). Then, this supposed "sale" would discount this $29 record down to $23, a measly $2 less than what it is at the time of this message. That's not even a 10% discount from what it was originally (which I believe was the case for some of the items from their sale in the spring?). Other items would also be "discounted" similarly. An act of artificial price-jacking to only give a limited-time discount to create a sense of urgency. After the sale ends, they move prices back to the prices we see now, and hope no one notices.

I wouldn't be shocked.

EDIT: a couple of tense corrections
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I like your optimism. I really do. But I have no faith in them to deliver. Here's how I predict this Black Friday "sale" will go down:

A couple hours before the sale goes live, they raise the prices on all exclusives. Somewhere between a $3-$5 increase (ex.: a $25 exclusive in store would change to $29 after price increase). Then, this supposed "sale" would discount this $29 record down to $23, a measly $2 less than what it is at the time of this message. That's not even a 10% discount from what it was originally (which I believe was the case for some of the items from their sale in the spring?). Other items would also be "discounted" similarly. An act of artificial price-jacking to only give a limited-time discount to create a sense of urgency. After the sale ends, they move prices back to the prices we see now, and hope no one notices.

I wouldn't be shocked.

EDIT: a couple of tense corrections
Mmmmmmmmmm yeah! I really hope they don’t do that though, because that’s dishonest and deceptive.

Either way, I don’t think I’ll be buying too much as I’ve pretty much got all I’ve what I ‘really’ want. But it’s just exciting!

But omg, I really hope VMP don’t raise the prices then discount them like that. That’s just really ugly and unattractive, you know what I mean!
Remember this? It was all of us last year :

I have a lot of money to spend on VMP store :

Hey fam, what are you going to buy :

It's about time, let's refresh the page, F5 F5 F5 F5 :

I need this record, add to cart, oh shit this one too, add to cart :

Holy shit! The server crashed! Oh no!!!

Hey fam! VMP says the shop will return in a few minutes, hold on fam!
Hum well... Now they say it might take a bit longer than expected :

Well, let's wait patiently then...

Let's effin' wait a bit more then!


Ok so this is what I had in my cart, this is what I expect to have and this is my level of angriness right now, yes all these colours here, here and here :
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