Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

$35-$40 for a punk record hell yeah fight the system fuck capitalism

Available for $20 directly from the source. GTFO. I am not paying $40 for anything from VMP unless it is a Out of print classic country record I can't get anywhere else.

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I know I over do it but stop giving me so many chances then.

Available for $20 directly from the source. GTFO. I am not paying $40 for anything from VMP unless it is a Out of print classic country record I can't get anywhere else.

Half the price and a month earlier
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The Shins album is closer to retail (still like $5 more). I wonder if Sub Pop told them to fuck off when VMP proposed charging $40 for their exclusive?
I’m really glad I found this forum. It’s way more my speed here. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills when I browse the subreddit sometimes.
It really is.
It's such a weird place most of the's either posting pics of their purchases, posting pics of their order receipts, or posting pics of an album they bought like a year ago. The only time I find that place remotely interesting is when it's monthly hint times, as there's some really good guesses. Most of the time it's just showing off for karma which I'm not really in to.
It really is.
It's such a weird place most of the's either posting pics of their purchases, posting pics of their order receipts, or posting pics of an album they bought like a year ago. The only time I find that place remotely interesting is when it's monthly hint times, as there's some really good guesses. Most of the time it's just showing off for karma which I'm not really in to.
I remember there used to be some occasionally fun "what would you choose for ROTM and why?" posts sprinkled in when I first found the sub, but those have mostly disappeared. I got okay traction with my build-your-own-anthology thread, but even then 2/3 of the answers didn't actually elaborate on what releases they would curate. Then half the responses get "that will never happen!" Doesn't feel like there's any point even trying.
I remember there used to be some occasionally fun "what would you choose for ROTM and why?" posts sprinkled in when I first found the sub, but those have mostly disappeared. I got okay traction with my build-your-own-anthology thread, but even then 2/3 of the answers didn't actually elaborate on what releases they would curate. Then half the responses get "that will never happen!" Doesn't feel like there's any point even trying.
The place could be structured so much better.
Like yeah, have some fun "curate this track/anthology" posts, but move all the showing off shit into megathreads. Yeah it'll be less busy, but when 90% of your posts are just pictures of people's purchases it is a rather dull affair.
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Fuck this makes me feel old. 20 years? I remember being excited to see them on a double bill with Preston School of Industry (Spiral Stairs' side band) in 2001. Those first three albums were awesome, but I haven't thought about The Shins in forever. Not getting the vinyl, but it's probably time to dust off the CDs.
Fuck this makes me feel old. 20 years? I remember being excited to see them on a double bill with Preston School of Industry (Spiral Stairs' side band) in 2001. Those first three albums were awesome, but I haven't thought about The Shins in forever. Not getting the vinyl, but it's probably time to dust off the CDs.
I actually have the Newbury press of this one from a few years back, I'm not sure if this is from the same plates or not but it sounds REALLY good. But again, no idea if this is the same basic release...
I actually have the Newbury press of this one from a few years back, I'm not sure if this is from the same plates or not but it sounds REALLY good. But again, no idea if this is the same basic release...
This is supposedly remastered by one of the gurus not named Kevin Gray. Ludwig maybe? Whatever. I agree with @TCell I feel old. It's a really good album. I'll probably track it down at a local at some point.
Fuck this makes me feel old. 20 years? I remember being excited to see them on a double bill with Preston School of Industry (Spiral Stairs' side band) in 2001. Those first three albums were awesome, but I haven't thought about The Shins in forever. Not getting the vinyl, but it's probably time to dust off the CDs.
Its weird, I have been slightly nostalgic for cds lately
Its weird, I have been slightly nostalgic for cds lately

CDs forever. I have ~1600+ CDs and only ~600 records. I mostly buy on vinyl at this point, but I probably listen to as many CDs as vinyl at home. When I go to music shops in the city (hopefully, I can do that again at some point soon) my music purchases are always expensive audiophile records and dollar bin used CDs. Best value pick ups at garage sales / pawn shops too (just make sure they're not scratched).

I'm actually thinking of selling off some of my vinyl that will forever be remembered as CDs for me. (Ready to Die, Odelay, The Score, Pinkerton, etc.)
CDs forever. I have ~1600+ CDs and only ~600 records. I mostly buy on vinyl at this point, but I probably listen to as many CDs as vinyl at home. When I go to music shops in the city (hopefully, I can do that again at some point soon) my music purchases are always expensive audiophile records and dollar bin used CDs. Best value pick ups at garage sales / pawn shops too (just make sure they're not scratched).

I'm actually thinking of selling off some of my vinyl that will forever be remembered as CDs for me. (Ready to Die, Odelay, The Score, Pinkerton, etc.)
If you're looking for a buyer for Pinkerton.

I'd also have bought Ready to Die if I didn't vastly overpay already and Odelay if I didn't hate Beck.
CDs forever. I have ~1600+ CDs and only ~600 records. I mostly buy on vinyl at this point, but I probably listen to as many CDs as vinyl at home. When I go to music shops in the city (hopefully, I can do that again at some point soon) my music purchases are always expensive audiophile records and dollar bin used CDs. Best value pick ups at garage sales / pawn shops too (just make sure they're not scratched).

I'm actually thinking of selling off some of my vinyl that will forever be remembered as CDs for me. (Ready to Die, Odelay, The Score, Pinkerton, etc.)
I have about 300-400 cds left (from about 1500). Mostly what I have left is not available on vinyl (or the bonus tracks aren't), has nice package or extensive liner notes, or I just couldn't get rid of them (lots of sub pop and matador promo copies). Should put together a list and put them up on the Intl PIF thread.