Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Ah damn, that would be the killer here. Where are you located? I could try to find something where you are....
ger. yeah, i could just wait for that version to appear. ill give Tical a good listen this weekend and decide.
could still swap for Open Mike Eagle or so. also Fancy Free is still there, but that seems to be there forever.
Generally speaking since A-B took over curation of Rising I haven't liked any but a few Rising artists, which is fine as it saves my wallet another VMP purchase but at the same time is also a bit of a bummer.
Is she also in charge of the weekly playlist? It used to be must-listen for me on Tuesdays and now I find it unlistenable.
What are people afraid of exactly? A dissenting opinion? Because apart from that, and some marginally more confrontational comments, I personally haven’t seen anything that grants fear or terror of commenting in here

I can pretty much guarantee that no one is in fear here at all, at least not in any serious sense.
This new rising artist, Huntly is doing nothing for me so far.

Also, if it matters, I've never felt afraid to post anything here, pro-VMP, anti-VMP, or otherwise.
I liked the first couple of tracks, then it fell short for me, might have to listen to it a few times. The cover doesn't bother me........but that's me.
I just can’t get behind Huntly’s lead vocalist.....🙅‍♂️

It just screams “white girl auditioning for The Voice/American Idol, who thinks they are hot shit, but no one wants to tell her that her vocals are meh because she will break down and not cope with the reality” 🙈

This is unfortunately my least favourite VMP Rising in a very long time 😭

Hey - I'm not gonna try to convince you about this album's merits one way or another, but I will say this, make sure you listen to the title track Low Grade Buzz, which is the last track on the album. Easy not to get to if you fall off early. That was the first single released back in April ( i think ) and it had me super stoked for this new band. The entire album is not on that track's level. I can see them being a bit polarizing. I mean, there's also a good chance that you don't like the lazy vibe to this title track either, but thought I'd make you aware of it.
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i dunnoo much about a-b besides that old drama about charles manson and she used to run the store threads back when those were a thing
Probably stoking the fires here, but I need to make a comment about this.

If you have this mindset, you're either ignorant of what is actually being released or you have shallow tastes in music.
My comment was not meant to imply what people are taking away at all. Thus my follow up.

I was leaving room for peoples opinion on what’s good or not. Nothing more. I don’t consider myself to know the answer.

Frankly, what’s “good” is relative as is what’s “shallow”.

I don’t disagree with anyone about equal opportunity. I don’t doubt that it is an issue in an old industry.

I simple disagree on what the solution should be or the measuring stick being recommended here to determine we’re doing enough.

I’ll leave it alone. I just loath the kind of open mindedness wherein i must whole heartedly agree with all points.
A-B is sound. I like her a lot and I think her curation is really good.

I don't disagree, and I posted more than a few times at the old place that I really missed her when she left the forums.

But I think Indy summed it up very well.

Yeah, I won't say she has bad taste, because clearly plenty of people like it, but just like you learn which political commentators' or movie critics' opinions you're likely to agree with, I find that her A&R is not my thing. Almost none of the Risings have interested me, ever.
I'm a customer. I'm also currently wearing a VMP branded sweatshirt. I've not been offended by any of the negative VMP comments.

I think the issue @LG&M is expressing (forgive me if I'm wrong), and something I see in rare cases, is that occasionally comments legitimately criticizing the way VMP does business can veer off into making fun of people who still buy from them. Usually positioning VMP customers as newbs uninformed about record collecting and music in general.

In my experience, it was a lot more prevalent in the flurry of the initial N&G opening and has died down, but I still see it pop up from time to time. I have never been offended by the comments and it's never made me want to not post my opinions, but I do see how it could be off-putting to some. But gatekeeping will most likely be a problem with all enthusiast communities.
A-B is sound. I like her a lot and I think her curation is really good.
TBH, and this is not a personal criticism of her, I think that aside from the obvious inciting incident (Sev's departure), handing off the store threads to her was the very beginning of the forum's terminal phase. I make no value judgment on this at all, but my strong sense was that A-B posted there out of a sense of obligation only, and did not enjoy, or have any interest in it whatsoever. Again, NOT a criticism of her as an individual; I just always thought that was a bit of a turning point.
Yeah, I won't say she has bad taste, because clearly plenty of people like it, but just like you learn which political commentators' or movie critics' opinions you're likely to agree with, I find that her A&R is not my thing. Almost none of the Risings have interested me, ever.

Yeah I'm hit or miss. But I do like that thanks to rising I now know artists at the bottom of a festival lineup
Do it! Don’t be afraid! We got you, dukey!
i mean i have tried at least..

debunking some smaller kinda conspiracy theory like things (like when misinformation spread about people getting shipping fees and implying it was for everyone). but i always was nervous about it because of how the last days of the old forum were.... i got too angry back then
Im a music fan.

So I will always go where the music is no matter the source.


Oh hey @Jonathan Y ;)