Vinyl Me, D: A Free Record Club - Year Two Official Thread - 36 Winners - Like The First Post, You're In For 2024 - 108 Free Records Given Away So Far

I know June records just landed but my July trigger finger is itchy so...


July winners. DM incoming...




Everyone - whether you've won a record or not. feel free to share any thoughts about them here. I love hearing different interpretations and takes on the music. My curmudgeonly opinions can't be trusted but your thoughtful impressions on these LPs may lead someone here to go buy one and support the artist.
the bonus album from last month that I received, Scott H Biram's Fever Dreams, is excellent. As a longtime Chicagoan, I voraciously consumed everything that Bloodshot Records put out up until their very messy demise a few years back, so I was very familiar with Biram and have seen him a handful of times. However, I was not familiar with Fever Dreams - I think this one came out in that weird time of the pandemic where I was really retreating into things I was very comfortable and familiar with.

Biram does his thing and he always does it extremely well. One man band chugging bluesy twangy buy your stranger neighbor at the show a shot of whiskey type stuff. Really loved getting this one in the mail and it's made me revisit some of his past works that I used to love. Thanks again @Yer Ol' Uncle D for doing this and exposing people to new finds or, in my case, making them fall back in love with things from their past.

Fun Biram anecdote: roundabout 2009, local venue The Hideout's block party was a Bloodshot family reunion. Lots of current and former Bloodshot acts playing a block party. There was bbq and belt sander races. Biram played middle of the bill and Bobby Bare Jr played before him. Around town, BBJr was sort of this notorious grifter at the time. Always trying to get free drinks at shows, get on the guest list, just kinda chasing some clout because of his name but still only drawing about 100 people to his own shows. Anyway, Biram finishes up and Bare Jr makes a beeline for him and Biram looks disinterested. This is all on the stage as Biram is tearing down his set up. Finally Biram looks him dead in the eye and says very loudly into a live mic "get out of my way motherfucker, you're making me late for the belt sander races"

Scott H Biram: Man of the People
the bonus album from last month that I received, Scott H Biram's Fever Dreams, is excellent. As a longtime Chicagoan, I voraciously consumed everything that Bloodshot Records put out up until their very messy demise a few years back, so I was very familiar with Biram and have seen him a handful of times. However, I was not familiar with Fever Dreams - I think this one came out in that weird time of the pandemic where I was really retreating into things I was very comfortable and familiar with.

Biram does his thing and he always does it extremely well. One man band chugging bluesy twangy buy your stranger neighbor at the show a shot of whiskey type stuff. Really loved getting this one in the mail and it's made me revisit some of his past works that I used to love. Thanks again @Yer Ol' Uncle D for doing this and exposing people to new finds or, in my case, making them fall back in love with things from their past.

Fun Biram anecdote: roundabout 2009, local venue The Hideout's block party was a Bloodshot family reunion. Lots of current and former Bloodshot acts playing a block party. There was bbq and belt sander races. Biram played middle of the bill and Bobby Bare Jr played before him. Around town, BBJr was sort of this notorious grifter at the time. Always trying to get free drinks at shows, get on the guest list, just kinda chasing some clout because of his name but still only drawing about 100 people to his own shows. Anyway, Biram finishes up and Bare Jr makes a beeline for him and Biram looks disinterested. This is all on the stage as Biram is tearing down his set up. Finally Biram looks him dead in the eye and says very loudly into a live mic "get out of my way motherfucker, you're making me late for the belt sander races"

Scott H Biram: Man of the People
Post of the day right here. Great story. Thanks for sharing with us.
June winners have responded, and no one opted to send a Discogs link so I can't legally be held responsible for what happens.

Here's your June cryptic clue. If anyone guesses the record, I'll send you a free LP of some sorts.

Good luck.

Other than the obvious references here (song title, disco, countdown, etc.), there is so much to unpack in this clip.

If you don't know Dan Hartman, check his Wiki and look at how diverse and prolific his career was.

Who is that playing guitar? Vinnie Vincent? KISS Vinnie Vincent?

Is that bassist a complete ham, GE Smith, or both?

There's one guess so far that's not right but on the right track.
June winners have responded, and no one opted to send a Discogs link so I can't legally be held responsible for what happens.

Here's your June cryptic clue. If anyone guesses the record, I'll send you a free LP of some sorts.

Good luck.

Hilly Michaels is on drums on this. He plays on Big Beat by Sparks, which is very underrated and wonderful.