Totally Random Questions Thread

If 1.5 chickens can lay 1.5 eggs every 1.5 days, then how long would it take for a monkey with a wooden leg to kick all of the seeds out of a dill pickle?

why do humans still need to sleep almost half our lives.. cant we fix this shit! I WANNA BE AWAKE
I was just saying this to my wife a couple of weeks ago. Just think of all you could accomplish if we didn't need to sleep.
Have y’all been in the world? Sleep is great.
Random but will be useful (to me) question. I live in southwest and have lived in my house for 2 years with no ants. Noticed today that there is an ant hill/burrow/metropolis(?) that has emerged in a bed on the side of my house that is all 3/4” red rock with 2 rose bushes and a couple of cacti. Don’t have grass. Trickle irrigate the vegetation where ants are. Small, red ants but not fire ants (those I know in the most intimate and painful of ways. Has been very rainy this spring and uncommonly cool. Only in that one area of my property and not in house that I know of.

Anyone w experience know why ants may have suddenly showed up and best method to kill, kill, KILL them dead! Also I have 3 dogs who I do not want to kill.