Rescue the Parrots


Well-Known Member
Jul 23, 2020
Inside a Curious Yellow with the Game Cat
Hey All,

My wife is the Volunteer Coordinator for the Papayago Rescue House which is a parrot rescue in Georgia. In recent years the number of people buying parrots has drastically increased, but many do not understand the major commitment many of these species are, given that they bond and often live as long or longer than humans. The result is that people are abandoning them at unprecedented rates. This rescue, like many others is funded primarily by the volunteers. They have hundreds of birds to care for, and many with special needs and emotional issues. As their costs have increased they've had to come up with creative ways to raise money to cover the parrots food and rent on the small building they house them in. They are a non-profit that is only run by volunteers. They've had some success with doing silent auctions and are trying to get some donations for their next one. So to help I'm going to donate a couple of records and thought I'd see if anyone else would be interested in donating some to the silent auction to help support these birds too. You can check out info about the place at the link above or ask me and I can ask my wife.