Pre-Order Thread

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Who is collecting all of these? :)

Meanwhile there are records that can't even get a basic pressing. This annoys the hell out of me.
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Who is collecting all of these? :)
The same guys who bought all of the Austin Powers soundtracks over the weekend.
They're big enough that I just put them in with my 12" LPs... Although I don't think I have more than a couple of them
I totally agree. I in general avoid 7" records, but for 10" I have a formula a wise man I know once came up with: The rule of 5.

Size of record / 5 . The number of songs in a record has to be greater than the result if not it's a hard pass.

10" Record / 5 = singles are usually a pass.
Yeah, I have one or two... With 7"s I kinda get it, especially if you have a jukebox, or just really like collecting those old singles.

But man, I have a hard enough time justifying a 12" EP, let alone a 10" Single.

New Portrayal of Guilt. Brutally harsh Screamo with Black Metal influences.

RIYL: Infant Island, Pg.99, Majority Rule, Orchid, Vein.TV, Loma Prieta.
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Who is collecting all of these? :)

Another one



Yeah, I have one or two... With 7"s I kinda get it, especially if you have a jukebox, or just really like collecting those old singles.

But man, I have a hard enough time justifying a 12" EP, let alone a 10" Single.

The 10-inchers I can think of are a Beck EP and Radiohead's OK Computer (on two 10" discs). So nothing as short as a single.

Also, this came to mind ...

The Crow and other Rocktober titles are up for pre-order at Balades Sonores. @Mather I IRC you have been afyer this for a while. It might be widely available in Canada as well but if you want to secure a copy, here it is.

The Crow and other Rocktober titles are up for pre-order at Balades Sonores. @Mather I IRC you have been afyer this for a while. It might be widely available in Canada as well but if you want to secure a copy, here it is.

Thanks mate! Thankfully @MikeH pre ordered me a copy of that and Janes Addiction from the States so hopefully I should be good. It might be readily available up here but I didn't want to take any chances after the last time haha...