No Buy/Spin Yr Collection Challenge - July 2022

Dirtbag Auntie

Well-Known Member
May 15, 2019

Do you have a huge stack of new arrivals? Do you have a backlog? Do you have records that have never ever been listened to and they've been in your collection for longer than you'd like to admit? Do you want to take a breather from the constant checking of the sales thread and enjoy what you have?


This is a challenge to spin and win donations to your local Abortion Funds! There will be donations made for each participant! Luckily for me, it’s 3 paycheck month and I have some extra funds to donate.

As of the start of the thread, the winner will get $150 donated to their local or a collection of abortion funds. I will award a 2nd and 3rd place as well. If anyone wants to toss in some money to the pool for all the participants or the top 3 please let me know! My DMs are open! I would love to make as big of donations as possible.

Guidelines (a lot of this is honor system so be cool)

-Spin any record in your collection that you received before 7/1/22. If it is not in your collection by midnight PST, it doesn’t count.

-One point per album. Most points win!

-Have fun! Be cool! Don’t tempt people to break their no buy for something bright and shiny.

I’ll share my personal shame of how long I’ve let some of my first time listens sit before a spin. It’s pretty ruff.

If y’all are interested in mini-challenges along the way, feel free to suggest.

If you spin something that was neglected in your collection and decide you don’t need it, throw it up in the PIF thread. If it gets claimed, I’ll throw 3 extra points to you!

Questions, etc, let me know.


I’ll get websites to directly donate and list of funds to post here.


Let’s go!
Joyful Noise just sent this to the VIP list, thought I'd share!

VIP Update 🎇 July 2022

Joyful Noise

Hello VIPs,

As artists and cultural workers, it would be irresponsible for us to ignore last week's US Supreme Court ruling overturning Roe v. Wade. Our stance is simple: HEALTHCARE IS A HUMAN RIGHT AND ABORTION IS HEALTHCARE. As an Indiana-based record label, we've seen shitty men with power try to restrict access to health services over and over again. Luckily, there are several groups and non-profits across the country that work locally to provide access to abortion. Abortion Funds in Every State is a good resource for finding access to reproductive health and/or donate funds to a righteous cause. We're also hearing great things about the Reproductive Legal Helpline, a resource for those in states where the right to abortion will soon be stripped away. If you're in a financial position to donate, we kindly ask that you do.