Neverending Covid-19 Coronavirus

I still think it's really stupid that schools are closed but you can keep using public transport. I am ok with keeping transport working for people working in hospitals, etc... but the others should stay at home when possible. It's ridiculous.

I believe it will be cancelled. They just announced that all events with more than 100 people will be cancelled.
In the Moment it looks like berlin will keep the subways going but stop all bus lines
IL has made the same kind of statements and I just don't understand them.

I suspect it may have to do with upcoming spring break, 3 weeks away. They would want the quarantine to happen over spring break to minimize the financial impact on the district. They have been in touch with health officials, probably. And the line is school is the safest place to be.
In the Moment it looks like berlin will keep the subways going but stop all bus lines

Everything is working here and they say that public transport must work to take nurses and doctors to the hospitals... I mean, you can shut off the transport and send taxis to the people who works in hospitals. It won't cost more.
Bet they don’t indicate when exiting roundabouts either...

You know it’s serious when an Old Firm game gets cancelled. Working from home as much as possible here, and we’ll see what happens. I’m at a wedding at the weekend, and after that I’ll try and bunker down.

Stay safe all!

Theyve actually cancelled it now! I thought it was hilarious yesterday when they initially announced the Scottish restrictions on public gatherings being from Monday solely to save that match!
IL has made the same kind of statements and I just don't understand them.
I suspect it may have to do with upcoming spring break, 3 weeks away. They would want the quarantine to happen over spring break to minimize the financial impact on the district. They have been in touch with health officials, probably. And the line is school is the safest place to be.
Indianapolis Public Schools are shut down as of this morning. They seemed to be concerned about two things, the governor issuing a waiver for the mandatory number of learning days, and the knock on effects of closing. All these kids have to be cared for, be fed, have a place where they can spend these hours safely. It’s not a small concern and there’s no right answer. A lot of kids as of today are safer from infection, but more at risk of hunger and general safety concerns due to a lack of resources and supervision.
Check your travel insurance covers it, if not buy some cover that does.
Easier said. Epidemics/pandemics are usually considered “force majeure” events and not covered, based on what I’ve found in reading about my own travel issues. And cancel for any reason policies are typically required to have been purchased within X number of days of booking the travel.
I feel for you @scotthilk, I’ve looked into those trip costs before.
Indianapolis Public Schools are shut down as of this morning. They seemed to be concerned about two things, the governor issuing a waiver for the mandatory number of learning days, and the knock on effects of closing. All these kids have to be cared for, be fed, have a place where they can spend these hours safely. It’s not a small concern and there’s no right answer. A lot of kids as of today are safer from infection, but more at risk of hunger and general safety concerns due to a lack of resources and supervision.

Yeah, our county announced at midnight they were canceling classes the next two weeks (surrounding counties had declared earlier in the day). My wife, who teaches at a private school, is furious because that late decision leaves so many kids without meals or a place to be.

Doctors describe "insanity" of coronavirus testing.

A side from critically ill patients who are hospitalized, the physician said the Massachusetts Department of Public Health is only approving testing for people who have been exposed to someone who has already tested positive or who has traveled to one of the five heavily impacted countries outside the US in the past 14 days, which mirrors CDC guidelines.

There are not even tests on hand to use if a patient was approved for testing, the doctor said.

The doctor said state and federal health officials "need to loosen the criteria on testing" and "allow us doctors to use our discretion to decide who should be tested."

Doctors are saying people are coming in sick and have symptoms of coronavirus. But they don't meet the criteria to be tested. The criteria is far to restrictive and guidelines are still what common practice would be for a 'foreign disease'. It does not work for for a disease that is here and has community spread.

Also, for those who do meet the criteria, there are not enough tests available.
I believe it will be cancelled. They just announced that all events with more than 100 people will be cancelled.

Makes sense. I only ask because been pretty weird to see US and UK film critics on twitter cheering on the fact it hasn't been cancelled, of course not from the perspective of empathy for the service workers and local economy, but the perspective of them not getting to fly to France and get to see movies 2 months early. While I respect the fact that's their job, and their Cannes coverage helps pay the bills, it sort of proves that people are willing to put others at risk and accelerate the spread without being told a firm "no". Of course any cancellation that doesn't take into account stimulus for those workers and local businesses is a regrettable move.

Doctors are saying people are coming in sick and have symptoms of coronavirus. But they don't meet the criteria to be tested. The criteria is far to restrictive and guidelines are still what common practice would be for a 'foreign disease'. It does not work for for a disease that is here and has community spread.

Also, for those who do meet the criteria, there are not enough tests available.

This is clearly being handled poorly here in Massachusetts, which fills me with some anxiety.
This is clearly being handled poorly here in Massachusetts, which fills me with some anxiety.

Not by choice.

They are following federal guidelines because of the lack of availability of tests. There aren't even enough tests to go around for those who meet the criteria. We would be testing everyone if we could be.
Not by choice.

They are following federal guidelines because of the lack of availability of tests. There aren't even enough tests to go around for those who meet the criteria. We would be testing everyone if we could be.
Yet everyone on the Utah Jazz basketball team has managed to get tested... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Michigan public schools closed until April 6th. Not surprised at all. I have coworkers that have no options, they will either bring their kids to work for a month or use some of their vacation time and stay home.

Meanwhile 80% of my company (including ownership) has the stance of - "If they wouldn't have given it a fancy name we wouldn't even be talking about it" (actual quote from one of our owners)

Apparently one of the main hotbeds in Michigan is the USA Hockey Arena, which is across the street from my work. I can see it from here. Kind of scary.

In better (albeit personal) news my son's fever went away, he's only dealing with the cough. That makes me feel better, but I'm still urging him to see the doc, although I don't know if he'd qualify for a test.
Apparently one of the main hotbeds in Michigan is the USA Hockey Arena, which is across the street from my work. I can see it from here. Kind of scary.

This is somewhat hopeful news for me because my company HQ is in Lansing and they are A) always ignorant of life conditions (like cost of living) in NC and B) the type to ignore until forced not to.