Needles & Grooves AotM /// Vol. 36 - June 2022 /// Mexico City Blondes - Blush

Deb shenanigans aside, Blush is indeed a fantastic record and probably one of my favorite debut albums of the last couple years? This is maybe the first AOTM I'll have had an intimate knowledge of beforehand (excluding my own, of course) so I'm just as interested as Deb to see the reactions from the rest of the forum!
Near as I can tell he's an "influencer" who has started a "record label" that is not actually a record label so much as a Spotify playlist?
Yeah, imagine if you got all your new music by seeing what someone else was streaming. He is that someone else. It's not for us Gen-X'rs and earlier.
Yeah, imagine if you got all your new music by seeing what someone else was streaming. He is that someone else. It's not for us Gen-X'rs and earlier.

Greg has said he's basically up for an AMA whenever. I think we're still waiting to get Allie's input. I wasn't at all clear myself on how best to do the thing. I figured I'll create a separate thread just for it. Should we preload questions, try to make it more or less live, or what?

Finally, here's a short interview I found that might help us stay off the beaten path a little: