Monthly Challenge Dungeon Master Thread Sign Up

I know I have not been super active lately, but I can contribute. I can even take January if nobody else want it.

Edit. nevermind, I re-read and it look like we have the 12 runners!
Understood. I will see if I can find a replacement and if not I will put ya in the back half of 2024.
If you can find someone else, that’s great. I know that Q2 and 3 are going to be insane for me and I don’t want to do a crappy job!

@cul8er would you like to lead a month in 2024?

Man, I miss the daily comics. I read them in the Free Press daily, ritualistically even, for years at lunch at work. So many great strips, plenty I've forgotten about. I would cut out so many Get Fuzzy and Real Life Adventures over the years, tape them around my desk.
Anyway, your post gave me a little nostalgia.



Man, I miss the daily comics. I read them in the Free Press daily, ritualistically even, for years at lunch at work. So many great strips, plenty I've forgotten about. I would cut out so many Get Fuzzy and Real Life Adventures over the years, tape them around my desk.
Anyway, your post gave me a little nostalgia.
Yeah, in High School we could take our Study Hall in the school library (which I did every day) and my daily routine involved flipping through the Chicago Tribune form cover to cover (most time was spent in the sports and entertainment pages but I would read the other stuff too) but the first thing I would turn to every day was the funny pages. Fox Trot, Non Sequitur, Calvin & Hobbes, The Far Side, Doonsesbury, Peanuts, and even Garfield. I miss the newspaper too bad the local paper here is way too expensive and pretty fucking pointless.