Let's See What Makes Your Vinyl Spin!

Great so far. It's overall a solid unit. I still have a bit of break in to do and that's gonna be fun.
I left mine powered ON all day and night for the first few weeks. A lot of people just leave their MM-6 powered ON 24/7. I usually turn it OFF at night and turn it back ON in the morning. I think by now it's fully broken in. It really has developed all the sound characteristics that other reviewer talked about. It has such an amazing midrange and pulls out so much more detail from the music that I've never heard before and that's from records I've been listening to for over 50 years! Best phono preamp yet by far. Enjoy!
I left mine powered ON all day and night for the first few weeks. A lot of people just leave their MM-6 powered ON 24/7. I usually turn it OFF at night and turn it back ON in the morning. I think by now it's fully broken in. It really has developed all the sound characteristics that other reviewer talked about. It has such an amazing midrange and pulls out so much more detail from the music that I've never heard before and that's from records I've been listening to for over 50 years! Best phono preamp yet by far. Enjoy!
Yup I've had it on for about a week straight so far and it's nice and sweet. I think at some point I'll turn it off especially if we leave the house for an extended period. But I actually kind of like walking by and seeing the light on, it makes me more likely to throw something on.
I feel like I need to reiterate this over and over, there's absolutely nothing wrong with the PLX-1000, lol. It's funny that the "masses" only see the end result of a long ongoing decision process, making it seem more knee jerk ;)
I get it @AnthonyI; I didn't see a switch to the GR from the PLX as an implication that there was something wrong with the PLX. Sometimes, we just want to try a change. But, it does seem that more of the "changes" are moving toward Technics!

That's okay - I still keep posting VPI deals I find on that thread and standing by the PLX for the direct-drive curious!
I feel like I need to reiterate this over and over, there's absolutely nothing wrong with the PLX-1000, lol. It's funny that the "masses" only see the end result of a long ongoing decision process, making it seem more knee jerk ;)

Yep one thing being better doesn’t stop the other thing still being good, it’s all relative. You can still love the PLX whilst being in a position where you want to take the next step up. Also defection? These are, at the end of the day, just pieces of consumer electronics from large corporations…
Also defection? These are, at the end of the day, just pieces of consumer electronics from large corporations…
It's all good -- defection is better than slaughter... 👀

I'm looking forward to the day I get to "defect" to a Luxman PD-151! 😁
Someone please alert me when VPI does another classic chassis design, because I will defect the fuck outta that.
Someone please alert me when VPI does another classic chassis design, because I will defect the fuck outta that.
Low stock - still have ‘em…

Chris Rock once said in his stand-up act, "Men are only as faithful as their options." That applies to audio gear and records, too!

That was long before all the latest Oscar unpleasantness.
Chris Rock once said in his stand-up act, "Men are only as faithful as their options." That applies to audio gear and records, too!

That was long before all the latest Oscar unpleasantness.
Haha, I do actually want that table. But I can't get it yet. Still have to finish the theatre room downstairs. And that requires a couple of hefty purchases...
I feel like I need to reiterate this over and over, there's absolutely nothing wrong with the PLX-1000, lol. It's funny that the "masses" only see the end result of a long ongoing decision process, making it seem more knee jerk ;)
Yep. I thought about this for a couple of years. My system has no mono switch, and I’ve got a decent (and growing) mono collection. I didn’t really want to add a switch and more cabling. I see having a mono cartridge as superior to a switch anyway. So the ability to swap cartridges quickly and easily became more and more important to me.

Definitely not an overnight decision. Had I not wanted to switch cartridges easily, I would have kept the MoFi.
Yep. I thought about this for a couple of years. My system has no mono switch, and I’ve got a decent (and growing) mono collection. I didn’t really want to add a switch and more cabling. I see having a mono cartridge as superior to a switch anyway. So the ability to swap cartridges quickly and easily became more and more important to me.

Definitely not an overnight decision. Had I not wanted to switch cartridges easily, I would have kept the MoFi.
This is the issue I have with the Pro Ject arm. No headshell possibility. So swapping carts is a non starter. But man I want a mono option because I can tell the few mono albums I have just don't sound like they should.
Yep. I thought about this for a couple of years. My system has no mono switch, and I’ve got a decent (and growing) mono collection. I didn’t really want to add a switch and more cabling. I see having a mono cartridge as superior to a switch anyway. So the ability to swap cartridges quickly and easily became more and more important to me.

Definitely not an overnight decision. Had I not wanted to switch cartridges easily, I would have kept the MoFi.

Yeah same here with my GR purchase (well besides the misfire with the 1500c). For me it was mostly motivated by wanting to buy something new and nice that will last when I’m still young and free of major bills and by getting sick of the frustrations of vintage decks.

But there’s totally a point where you can get to good enough and you’re dropping hundreds squeeze another drop from the lemon. As much as I hear a better sense of timing and bass with my new deck, my old one wasn’t bad. In fact I just did a few needledrops of the two setups, a bit closer than I’d like to admit! I suppose I’m in the unique position of taking my entire rig and moving rooms so I’m getting a pretty clear perspective of what the change was.

TBH I think there is an unfortunate perception that every piece of gear is pitted against each other in this hobby. Not everything is a “giant killer” that “destroys” what you had before, that’s YouTube thumbnail nonsense.