Improve an album you love

...Okay, I will go first.

TORI AMOS, Under The Pink

I wish I could say I love this album from start to finish.
Every time it gets to the song "The Wrong Band," I can't wait for it to be over.
I read somewhere a while ago that the song "Cooling" was attempted in the Under The Pink sessions, again during Boys For Pele, and then finally was completed during From The Choirgirl Hotel, only to end up a b-side on the "Spark" single.

I would swap "The Wrong Band" with "Cooling."

Here's a playlist of the whole album:

NOW, here's "Cooling" from the "Spark" single:
Lol I’ve done this before in a Facebook group for The Radio Dept. I’m just going to copy and paste my post from that here.


So let's talk about Lesser Matters.

This album is probably TRD's least good album, it's got some weak songs, but also some of their best songs mixed in. "Where Damage Isn't Already Done" might be my favorite song by them, and don't get me started on "Lost and Found" I could write pages upon pages on how good that song is, although every sentence of every page would be "This song is so fucking good."

Some of you may think that "Running out of Love" is their weakest, which is a fair argument. But that album is solid from top to bottom, it doesn't have any songs like "Your Father.”

Because the highs of this album are soooo good, and the lows of this album are pretty damn low, I made a new tracklisting with some B-sides/extras/EP tracks from this era. Most band's b-sides make sense. They are not included on an album because those songs are not that great, but TRD decide to hold back their best songs for singles only or the latter half of an EP or don't even release them at all. The b-sides they recorded around this time (2003~) are easily the best amongst their other eras of b-side songs.

I highly recommend putting this together. If this is how this album were released it would be their best album. full stop.

Too Soon
Where Damage Isn't Already Done
The City Limit (from Pulling Our Weight EP)
Lean Back, Lean Forward (from unreleased songs (and rarities))
Pulling Our Weight (from Pulling Our Weight EP)
It's Been Eight Years
Against The Tide
Strange Things Will Happen
Peace of Mind (from Where Damage Isn't Done EP)
The Hide Away (from unreleased songs (and rarities))
I Don't Need Love, I've Got My Band (from Pulling Our Weight EP)
Lost and Found

What are your thoughts on Lesser Matters?
...Okay, I will go first.

TORI AMOS, Under The Pink

I wish I could say I love this album from start to finish.
Every time it gets to the song "The Wrong Band," I can't wait for it to be over.
I read somewhere a while ago that the song "Cooling" was attempted in the Under The Pink sessions, again during Boys For Pele, and then finally was completed during From The Choirgirl Hotel, only to end up a b-side on the "Spark" single.

I would swap "The Wrong Band" with "Cooling."

Here's a playlist of the whole album:

NOW, here's "Cooling" from the "Spark" single:

This is an interesting idea. The Wrong Band is not one of my faves but I’m not sure if I would replace it. Thematically it fits better than Cooling and it’s a shame that Cooling was never an album track.

I’m gonna think about this tomorrow when I have time to listen to the album. I don’t listen to it enough!
Interpol - Turn On The Bright Lights

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Top 5 of all time for me. I do have an alt tracklist that I prefer to the stock one.
Basically fits in a lot of the other songs from that era, like the ones on the Interpol EP and the bonus tracks.

1. Untitled
2. Precipitate (Second Demo)
3. Obstacle 1
4. NYC
5. PDA (Precipitate EP version)
6. Song 5 / Get The Girls (First Demo)
7. Say Hello to the Angels
8. Hands Away
9. Gavilan / Cubed (Third Demo)
10. Specialist
11. Interlude
12. Obstacle 2
13. Stella Was a Diver and She Was Always Down
14. Roland
15. The New
16. Leif Erickson

In an ideal world all the demos and such would be remastered, along with PDA (without removing from the original's charm of course.)
Would like to make the silence between the end of Interlude and the beginning of Obstacle 2 a bit longer so when the latter comes in it fits better.

I put it all in a spotify playlist, but you can't play the old version of PDA since it's sourced from my local files and not spotify:

It’s bananas that Specialist wasn’t on TOTBL. Easily one of my fave Interpol songs.
Idk if this is exactly the kind of thing this thread is for, but I remember many years ago I made an alternate track list for The Lonesome Crowded West by Modest Mouse that I listened to a *lot* on the nearly hour-long bus rides from my school to my house. This sequencing became so ingrained in me that I now can't listen to the original album because I'm used to this order.

My track listing went:
1. Doin' the Cockroach
2. Polar Opposites
3. Heart Cooks Brain
4. Convenient Parking
5. Shit Luck
6. Teeth Like God's Shoeshine
7. Out of Gas
8. Long Distance Drunk
9. Jesus Christ Was an Only Child
10. Trailer Trash
11. Cowboy Dan
12. Bankrupt on Selling

Like I said, I kind of fell in love with this specific order, but I'm sure it's probably blasphemous to other fans of TLCW.