Hot Take/ Musical Confession Thread!

So last Christmas, I watched this with my girlfriend as it's a bit of a holiday tradition for her. I watched it years and years ago, and thought it was sort of OK.

It is not sort of OK. It is not a good movie at all. It has some great bits, but boy is it a mess.

For Christmas time-based rom-coms, I will take The Holiday every single time.

Confession: That song that got the record of weeks in #1 position in charts? That song that the singer is a rapper who came out a few weeks ago? Do you know which song I'm talking about?
Good, because I don't know its name and I've never listened to it and I'm ok with that.
I've never listened to it either. I tried once but got in about 10 seconds and stopped. Just not my thing.
First lobster!

Confession: That song that got the record of weeks in #1 position in charts? That song that the singer is a rapper who came out a few weeks ago? Do you know which song I'm talking about?
Good, because I don't know its name and I've never listened to it and I'm ok with that.
I've never listened to it either. I tried once but got in about 10 seconds and stopped. Just not my thing.
You're missing out. Musical perfection.
The "censored" cover of Is This It is better than the original
I actually own both. I have had the US copy forever but found a good deal on the MOV UK cover and while I find the UK image to be much more Iconic. It’s unfortunately not a gatefold. Typically I give my duplicate copies to by brothers as gifts but I haven’t been able to decide which version I prefer so for the time being I have two copies on my shelf.
I’m so happy Kendrick Lamar’s To Pimp A Butterfly is easily going to top this years’ list! Best album of the decade by far in my opinion 🌟🥇🔥💎🌈
Help me get into it! I see all the rave reviews and I...don’t really get all the love. This isn’t a hot take so much as an admission that I don’t understand it! It’s seems like the production is cool but the actual lyrics are just “meh.” One of my pet peeves though is when a rapper rhymes a word with the same word, particularly when that word is a cuss word or the N-word. Hes not as bad as Nelly consistently rhyming “now” with “now” but ya know, it still bothers me. Educate me!
Help me get into it! I see all the rave reviews and I...don’t really get all the love. This isn’t a hot take so much as an admission that I don’t understand it! It’s seems like the production is cool but the actual lyrics are just “meh.” One of my pet peeves though is when a rapper rhymes a word with the same word, particularly when that word is a cuss word or the N-word. Hes not as bad as Nelly consistently rhyming “now” with “now” but ya know, it still bothers me. Educate me!
What song are you referring to?
Help me get into it! I see all the rave reviews and I...don’t really get all the love. This isn’t a hot take so much as an admission that I don’t understand it! It’s seems like the production is cool but the actual lyrics are just “meh.” One of my pet peeves though is when a rapper rhymes a word with the same word, particularly when that word is a cuss word or the N-word. Hes not as bad as Nelly consistently rhyming “now” with “now” but ya know, it still bothers me. Educate me!

Speaking as a seasoned hip-hop head, I don't get all the love either. It's a pretty good album but if this counts as one of the decade's best? Well, shit.. Hip-hop this decade has been shit.
What’s a few of your favourite hip-hop albums this decade? I’m really interested in your picks!

That's a really good question and truth be told, the last decade has flown by so fast, I can't really remember what was released in that time frame. I know that I've definitely heard ten rap records that I'd rather listen to than any of Kendrick's discography in that time though. I guess that's why I wouldn't put it on a best of decade list cause there are at least ten rap record I'd rather listen to. But that's also because of my taste as well.. there's a lot of shit people absolutely love that just .. amazes me that anyone could like, let alone that many people.. but that's me, and I'm a hater.
What’s a few of your favourite hip-hop albums this decade? I’m really interested in your picks!
Truthfully, I haven't been into music for very long, so I don't know much about this decade, particularly in the hip hop scene. I mostly just listened to whatever came on the radio. I've liked Gibbs' Pinata (and bought that bundle). I've heard Bad and Boujee because I'm alive and it was pretty catchy. Childish Gambino amuses me, but that might be more for my love of Community (and later Atlanta) than the actual music. My brother has had me listen to a few Logic songs, and those were pretty impressive. I've heard some Cardi B and it's alright. OH! Yeah, I've also really liked Lil Simz and bought two of her records. Denzel Curry was pretty solid.

Anyway, I acknowledge that my experience is not very broad. That's why my take was designed not to be so much hot as...I don't get it. Help me to learn! What is it about that release that was so skillful, culturally significant, etc.?
Help me get into it! I see all the rave reviews and I...don’t really get all the love. This isn’t a hot take so much as an admission that I don’t understand it! It’s seems like the production is cool but the actual lyrics are just “meh.” One of my pet peeves though is when a rapper rhymes a word with the same word, particularly when that word is a cuss word or the N-word. Hes not as bad as Nelly consistently rhyming “now” with “now” but ya know, it still bothers me. Educate me!
Hot take:

DAMN. > To Pimp a Butterfly

TPAB is good but is highly overrated. I think it gets credit because it sounds like a complete work and when it came out we were mostly getting lots of mixtape-type albums with dope tracks that didn't flow as a complete piece. The problem is, the concept isn't enough to make it a dope album.

Like I said, it's good, but I never return to it. DAMN I still listen to all the time.