Dad Jokes and eye rolls

Dead C

Well-Known Member
May 15, 2019
Seattle, Washington
This is a space to post eye-rolling plays on words, and corny attempts at humor. Something you've thought of, or something you've heard that you want to share. Jokes of your own, jokes from your parental guardians, the parents of others, Laffy Taffy wrappers, popsicle sticks, or from any other source in the universe that produces half chuckles.

As a dad, I'm accutely aware that much of my life force is drawn directly from bad humor. Scientists now recognize -- or, at least, they should have -- that we, as a species, produce increasing levels of the "dad (or mom) joke" substance once we have children, as a means to embarrass and toughen up our offspring for the outside world that they must ultimately enter, after venturing out beyond the protection of our metaphorical wings. But, while that's true, it's also something that is already pre-existing in our bodies since birth. Amazing, right! It's all just about tapping into it, and making others feel like tapping out.

Anyway.... "DAD JOKES!" Feel free to relay any questionable (non-oppressive) humor, "clever" musings, and/or eye-roll worthy content here. Let's get some half smiles, forced guffaws, and bemused resignation going! Waddya say, gang?
Courtesy of a Polk Audio ad.

Text from son: “Happy Father’s Day, Dad. I’ll call you later.”

Reply from Dad: “Don’t call me Later, call me Dad!”
This seems like the right place for these. Happy Father’s Day.

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Oh man. That first one hits a little too close to home. I'm actually online right now, just so that I can change my credit card info, because someone just tried to run a bunch of iTunes charges. We don't even have any Apple products. So now I need to figure out whether or not I have any pre-orders that don't charge until shipped, so that nothing gets canceled while I wait for a replacement card