Calliope Musicals: AMA!

Where there any adjustments y'all had to make from this past year that you can see yourselves implementing going forward?

P.S. Thank you for agreeing to do this! I love the additional insights that AMA's bring.
thanks for having me! this is fun!!

ummm....welll i have sworn off being an active booking agent. my mind was happier during qtine not having to stress over tour booking. i wanna be on tour but someone else absolutely must book it. and really management in general. i had so much fun being creative and doing *nothing* music business related. i love shipping merch and connecting with listeners and playing shows and recording and writing, but the agony of organization is truly more than i can bear!

that said if anyone knows a booking agent or manager looking for the band that will make them fAMouS*~* (lol) send them our way. we looking for that shep gordon kinda love hahaha