Bandbox: an uncompensated review of an interesting new club

I have something on the way from them… no idea what.
Same here. I've got a pre order in that was set to ship in November, as well as that Jay Som exclusive that's been delayed for months now, and a Torres zine that never showed. However, none of that is listed in the Arriving Soon section, so I have no idea what it will be. My thought is it's probably the Torres zine, but should be fun to find out either way.
Same here. I've got a pre order in that was set to ship in November, as well as that Jay Som exclusive that's been delayed for months now, and a Torres zine that never showed. However, none of that is listed in the Arriving Soon section, so I have no idea what it will be. My thought is it's probably the Torres zine, but should be fun to find out either way.
I missing a. Couple of zones, but I honestly don’t remember… one was the fourth Johnny. Can’t remember what the other was…
I still am waiting on RKS, Larkin Poe and I picked up the Bob Mould with credit I had. I still have a credit for basically one left but nothing I really want.
That one is on my short list for picks that aren’t sold out. Maybe this month.
I mean there’s a bad Ziggy album, a wallflowers album that begs the question why not stay retired, and a whole bunch of hip hop and emo stuff I have no interest in.
I kinda wanna see an Emo Newman. Someone get this cat some guyliner.
Because of age, I’m pretty sure that would just make me goth. Surely someone has some photos of my Halloween “costumes” from college. Lol