2023 Reading Challenge

Book 19
Map to the Stars by Adrian Matejka

This was a random pick-up from my library because it showed up when I searched Sun Ra, who gets a solid handful of direct and indirect references throughout. Some pretty great stuff in here, covering Matejka's youth growing up poor and mixed race, then eventually moving to the very white suburbs when his mother remarried.

Book 20
Above Ground: Poems by Clint Smith

God. DAMN! I've been a fan of Clint Smith's work for a while so I figured I was going to enjoy this book, but I wasn't ready to love and devour it as thoroughly as I did. My favourite book of poetry I've read in quite awhile. While I can't relate to the specific experiences of being a black father in America, many of the fatherhood poems really resonated quite strongly with me in this collection. I'll definitely be purchasing myself a copy of this one before the year's up.
Book 20: Dead Or Alive by Tom Clancy & Grant Blackwood (Michael Joseph Publishing, 2010)

Earlier in the year I picked up my first Tom Clancy book and found it to be an enjoyable read, so I picked up a second. I really like how easy they are to read and seeing as I do most of my reading on my commute to work, it's exactly what I need. This one was written over a decade ago now and there are some parts that are quite funny down to the technology not being as advanced as it is now -at one point the idea of a memory stick is explained. Overall though, a decent storyline and I will definitely read another soon.

To kick off August I'm finally returning to the Three-Body Problem Trilogy to tackle the second entry after a five year(!) break. My main memory of the first novel is that I had a period of recurring nightmares that stopped as soon as I finished reading it. That's unusual for me, and I remember it being a bit disconcerting, so hopefully this isn't a repeat experience.
10. The Dark Forest, Cixin Liu: This series is tough. Fascinating, frustrating, mind-bending, goofy, scary, confusing... I did have bad dreams again. Evidently my subconscious struggles with the sort of cosmic philosophical questions these books are contending with. The plot is a constant barrage of capital-I Ideas, and the vast majority of them are terrifying to contemplate for more than a few seconds.
Book 21

Histoire de Melody Nelson by Darran Anderson

There are plenty of other 33 1/3 books I would have imagined myself reading before I picked this one up on a whim from the library. I like the album well enough but have only really started exploring it over the past year or so, in no small part due to @Turbo passing a copy along to me when I was out his way last summer. There are plenty of albums in the series that I know far more than this one. Anderson did an excellent job of exploring the album through the lenses of biography, history, and sociology. Most of all, though, I just really enjoyed his writing! It took me 2 weeks to read this due to life circumstances but would have been a single evening, maybe two if time and wakefulness had been more in my favour.
Book 21: The Rum Diary by Hunter S Thompson (Bloomsbury, 2011)
Book 22: Safe as Houses: Private Greed, Political Negligence and Housing Policy After Grenfell (Manchester University Press, 2019)

2 very different but really great books. I've read The Rum Diary 8 times now (maybe more) and will never get tired of it. Safe As Houses is really heavy but an important read and I'm glad I spent the time going through it.

Book 9
I started this yesterday. Definite change of pace and style from everything else I've read this year.

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Would you look at that

I started Monday! It’s also my first Morrison, and after hearing Marlon James recommend it on every episode of his podcast, finally picked up a copy.

I gotta post all my other reads up til now first tho. 😮
Book 17: On Blue's Waters, by Gene Wolfe
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Back on my bullshit! For those counting we're on book one of The Book of the Short Sun, and the tenth of Wolfe's Solar Cycle. Written in the first person by the third-person author of the Book of the Long Sun, we once again find ourselves wondering who is writing the book, why, and how have they changed between the events they're describing and the writing of said events? It's all typical Gene Wolfe fare, so of course I'm gobbling it up; the prose is better than Long Sun's, so I fell into this one very easily. There's also a deep undercurrent of middle-aged mourning to it.

Book 18: Flow my Tears, The Policeman Said; by Philip K. Dick
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I don't know, man. I've read a grip of Dick before; this didn't bring me anything new, while also introducing me to a parade of really unpleasant characters. The premise: a megafamous singer and tv star wakes up one day to find nobody knows who he is. Dick must've been in his "hanging out and doing drugs" phase because many of the scenes are discussions that sound like people hanging out and doing drugs.

Book 19: Just Kids, by Patti Smith
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Read this one in the wake of seeing Smith speak/sing on book tour last December and in anticipation of seeing her perform with a band in August. This was a good counterpoint to Please Kill Me, which imo did her dirty; lots of interviews where dudes write her off or sum her up as being really cool for having boobs.

This memoir mainly revolves around Smith's romantic and artistic relationship with the artist/photographer Robert Mapplethorpe. You can feel her love for him deeply in the prose, and while Smith clearly loves poets/poetry, her manner of writing is so simply direct. The lack of sentimentality helps cut right to the feeling.

Picking up this book, I feared I'd feel jealousy for the life of the young artist, or regret that I pivoted away from a life like that; instead I found something so specific to the author's experience and so universal in its feeling that I felt no grudge or chagrin. Just beautiful.
Book 20: Dawn, by Octavia Butler

My first Butler! Concerns a woman woken from suspended animation by aliens who abducted her on the eve of a world-annihilating nuclear war. The aliens wish to repopulate Earth with humans, in exchange for a sort of genetic partnership (which I think pans out more over the next few books). Much of the book consists of conversations and two-person scenes. This was an excellent read, though it petered out a little bit near the end for me as a lot of the other revived human characters felt a bit thinly drawn and reactively cruel.

Book 21: In Green's Jungles, by Gene Wolfe

Gene really starts cooking with this one, and throws a lot at us. Much like Blue's Waters before this, more focus is put on the person writing the story you're reading, and their present circumstances; the journeys through Green's Jungles are obfuscated and barely referenced. In classic Gene style we get a storytelling contest in which each teller is giving away more about themselves than actually telling a story.

Book 22: Drive your Plow Over the Bones of the Dead, by Olga Tokarczuk

I liked this okay; this was a book club selection, and while a lot of people in the group found the narrator funny, I thought she was something of an out-there caricature. Funny enough, I spoiled the end of this book via the "themes" section of its wikipedia entry (the "themes" section doesn't typically contain explicit plot elements; I don't think that's my fault) and knowing how things would pan out actually pushed me to go ahead and complete the story.

Book 23: The Priory of the Orange Tree, by Samantha Shannon

This one's a DNF; I kept seeing it on the bookstore shelves and thought "hmm a thick fantasy novel sounds pretty fun," and I don't engage with a lot of contemporary work in the genre. I couldn't hang with it, though; there's just too much telling and not enough showing. With every description of action or piece of dialogue to propel the story forward, the author throws in tons of worldbuilding facts. To use a metaphor, you don't know which facts will be "on the test," so you find yourself getting caught up in "will I need to remember the quantity and names of rulers in this kingdom?" rather than "what will happen next?"

On top of that, the story just. Doesn't. Move. I got about a third of the way through and while I could explain the world to you, I couldn't really tell you what the story was. Lots of goodreads reviews parrot this criticism, but also praise the slow-burn romance. After 1/3 of this book (that's over 200 pages of investment), I can't tell you whom is supposed to fall in love with whom.

Book 24: Return to the Whorl, by Gene Wolfe

And with that I finish The Book of the Short Sun and Gene's twelve-book Solar Cycle. Was it an interesting, rewarding read? Yup! Was it surprisingly emotional for a book by an engineer who seems more focused on fucking with the reader than anything? Damn right! Do I fully understand it? Heck no!

The story finishes the saga of Horn, a man sent back to the Whorl (a generation ship) to retrieve his mentor and the government/religious leader Silk. Through the nature of Horn's journey, as well as the feeling of one going back to a home which has changed immensely, the story has this sadness which runs throughout; Wolfe nails his characters and their inner lives so well. After eleven previous books of Gene giving answers that generate questions and conclusions which imply we've only scratched the surface of the story, I'm happy to say Return to the Whorl has an actual, satisfying ending (while still remaining as elliptical as possible).

I'm very happy and satisfied to have reached the end of this cycle after ~16 months of going through what initially started as a New Sun reread. Now it's just a matter of time before I reread the whole cycle (as they say, one doesn't read Wolfe, they only reread).
Feels like I have been in the reading doldrums this month but I am about to start my 4th book of the month.
30. Alex Green - The Stone Roses - These 33.3 books are great palette cleansers. This one is middle of the pack, not great but not terrible (and there are a few terrible ones.)
31. Christine Mangan - The Continental Affair. Read a review in the NYTimes or Guardian and it sounded interesting. 60s Spain, France and Istanbul.

Since this:

  • Re-read Mrs. Dalloway and yeah pls read this. Wish I had more to say but there's nothing besides IT GOOD.
  • JOB: A Comedy of Justice - had like three people happen to recommend Heinlein in the span of a couple weeks and this is the one that happened to be knocking around our house. Started strong, could've ended worse, middle was really meandering. But I understand this isn't one of his best. Took me a while to read but I've been busy/hung up on other things too.
  • Started rereading Don Quixote, officially putting me in 'two books at once' territory. Still as good as I remember. Reading the Edith Grossman translation this time - I don't quite think it's better than the Ormsby but it's also probably not worse and it reads really, really well.
  • Circe by Madeline Miller - This is one I've had on my 'to read list' for a while off the back of a recommendation from one of the writers of Welcome to Night Vale. She seized on a relatively minor figure from The Odyssey and the book is her internal experience of Greek Mythology happening around her. It's really, really good, and reads well.

  • Found the first volume of Akira knocking around my brother's room and chewed through it in a couple of days. Nearly having a "didn't know graphic novels could do that" moment. Unfortunately they keep not having Vol 2 when I go to the book store.
  • Norwegian Wood by Haruki Murakami - Went to the bookstore and asked for something "slice of life-y" for whatever reason. Felt like I recognized the name, only realized later people had been talking about The Wind-Up Bird Chronicles in this very thread. Really liked it, the characters were just fun to read. It was more sombre than maybe I was looking for but it wasn't too much. Also, wasn't expecting it to be the smuttiest book I've read, not that the narrator takes great pleasure in describing the sex scenes, which is a point in it's favor. The book probably wouldn't work without them but also just kinda had to accept that they were there. Not that I mind sex scenes that much, they just seemed angular in context.
  • Currently reading Driven to Distraction by Edward Hallowell and John Ratey on @avecigrec's recommendation and it's difficult for me to believe that the descriptions given near the start of the book are not just... How people are, a bit blown up, but I'm starting to get the sneaking suspicion that if this lines up with my experience of being a human, then I maybe I'm the black sheep...
  • Also reading Le Petit Prince by Antoine Saint-Exupery as a French test for myself. I'm having to claw myself through a couple pages at a time, I'm realizing Duolingo ain't great for making sure you know grammar, but I still think I'm managing to understand the tone and humor. And yeah I see why it's so well loved. BEHOLD! My first and second masterpieces.
  • AaAnNnDdD while I was in London I visited a {well-structured} exhibit on af Klint and Mondrian's parallel development of abstract styles of painting at the Tate Museum, and was so enamored that I bought the exhibition... Book. Catalogue + Essay collection. I'm tempted to take a billion photos and post them all here but that'd take a while.
10. The Dark Forest, Cixin Liu: This series is tough. Fascinating, frustrating, mind-bending, goofy, scary, confusing... I did have bad dreams again. Evidently my subconscious struggles with the sort of cosmic philosophical questions these books are contending with. The plot is a constant barrage of capital-I Ideas, and the vast majority of them are terrifying to contemplate for more than a few seconds.
This series blew my mind in the best way. Loved it and can't wait to watch the show. I think I'd rather see the Chinese version first, but haven't streamed it yet.
Would you look at that
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I started Monday! It’s also my first Morrison, and after hearing Marlon James recommend it on every episode of his podcast, finally picked up a copy.

I gotta post all my other reads up til now first tho. 😮

Well that was my quickest read in awhile. I absolutely loved Song of Solomon....I really couldn't put it down. I finished it this morning and have to digest it a bit.
If you enjoyed this one, I loved Sula as well!