Search results

  1. apassant

    Hi-Fi furniture

    Currently looking for an Hi-Fi rack, since I've decided to switch from an integrated Pioneer NC-50 to separates, I thought it would be good to get advices from the N&G community! So, what furniture do you have for your hardware (and records, actually)? I currently have Ikea Eket cubes (used to...
  2. apassant

    Best sleeves / inserts: Die-cut, pop-up, etc.

    The discussion about OMD's Dazzle Ships made me think I should start a thread about the best - or most bizarre - sleeves: die-cut, pop-ups, and more! So let's start with OMD itself. A gatefold die-cut, whereas the inner sleeve slips and shows orange or yellow dots on the map (discogs credits...