Needles & Grooves

Joe Mac
Joe Mac
Those Bob Dylan mono mofis are the best sounding records I’ve ever heard...
but they aren't OMRs which means they might not be AAA (id only really want bringing it all back home, highway 61, and blonde on blonde)
Joe Mac
Joe Mac
From what I gather from my research they are AAA. There was an issue with a couple of them where the first generation tape was lost or destroyed but fhey didn’t use a digital recording, rather they used second or third generation tape. Also AAA isn’t the be all and end all and is often a smoke screen. We need to focus good quality recording and proper mastering that is sympathetic to the format.
they do sound great.....i 've 9 of the MOFIs & the all sound great. Some of them are fact, of the 9 I have, only 3 are not. MOFI is pretty honest about their sourcing (see their Stevie Wonder or The Band brown album as examples). But still prob all analog. In the end, though, does it matter if they sound fantastic?
One vote for the mono box here. Right now it's what, less than twice the price of the Blonde on Blonde MoFi? They sound incredible.
Joe Mac
Joe Mac
The mofi monos I have blow any of the Sony monos I have out of the water. Not because the Sony ones are bad, they are actually really really good, the mofi ones are just spectacular. But yeah that Mofi blonde on blonde is too rich for me, i have the MOV from the 2010 Dylan on mono series.
@duke86fan MoFis are usually AAA if it says original master recording at the top. It think there are some exceptions, like maybe Brothers in Arms not being an analog recording or something? @AnthonyI probably knows more.
Joe Mac
Joe Mac
If someone tried to claim that any version of Brothers In Arms was AAA we might need to take them to one side and explain that this isn’t opposites world...
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