Needles & Grooves

Melt Face Molly Drop
Melt Face Molly Drop
Plenty of thinkpieces on the topic if you google this exact question. In short: billionaire trying hard to be "one of us" but will never be just that, and the effort of such does more bad than good. Why it does more bad than good is outlined in said thinkpieces
Joe Mac
Joe Mac
People with a saviour complex really rub me up the wrong way. Particularly when it seems hugely unclear on what their ultimate motives are. Also not at all convinced by Tesla who are as of yet not able to break even, nevermind make profit. Their, and his, value is speculative and based on investors backing “future worth” rather than any performance to date.
Joe Mac
Joe Mac
Honest Question in return. Why do you think people should?
@Joe Mac I never said anyone should like him. I’m just curious about his high rejection rate.
Joe Mac
Joe Mac
Fair enough. There’s just so much to dislike and he’s such a hyper public figure that it’s hard to understand anyone being on the fence.
Fuck billionaires.
Called the dude who actually saved those Thai kids a pedophile because he's a petulant child who didn't get to be the hero; billionaire; keeps trying to scam cities into reinventing subways but only for rich people and which don't work now and never will; insanely unfunny...
...leading the charge to privatize space travel so the rich can fuck off from the planet they ruined; "We will coup whoever we want." Truly one of the worst people.