Vinyl Me, D: A Free Record Club - Year Two Official Thread - 36 Winners - Like The First Post, You're In For 2024 - 90 Free Records Given Away So Far

One copy of VMD II Vol.2 has landed on the West Coast and is being played at an appropriately loud volume. No spoilers as of yet, but I can say the owner of my local shop would approve wholeheartedly, as this is his all time favorite artist and has helped me curate my small, but now growing, discography from them.

On my second listen this morning, really digging it. Was late to the game on this artist, only started really listening to them a year or so ago, so getting this was great timing. Thanks so much @Yer Ol' Uncle D !

Also got a email that the Third Mind is going to be playing a show near me at the end of January, will definitely get on that as well.
Looks like the goods are at their proper coordinates.

VMD II Vol. 2...

Jack White's "Oh shit, I'm in trouble" face at 2:20 is priceless.

December drawing on Sunday 11-12-23.

Just now seeing that this was this month's pick. Stellar! I've been hoping Cave makes another album like this for a long time. One of his very best. I hope the lucky winners enjoy this as much as they should! Good job, D, melding the maximum of generosity and taste!

Time to pull 3 new winners for December.

Here we go...




DM incoming.

December will be a multi-record giveaway...