The Official Needles and Grooves 1001 Album Generator Project

I wasn’t even joking. I genuinely read it as they performed with their friends and I think my brain wanted to incorporate a Simpsons reference so bad that I couldn’t interpret it any other way.

Until I reread it.
Now I am thinking of the missed opportunity for a much better version of prophets of rage.
Not only did Neil book Sonic Youth and Social Distortion to open on his 1991 'Ragged Glory' tour, he looked after them like that really weird yet cool as fuck uncle...

Right, Neil gets attached to Pearl Jam a lot (for obvious reasons) but I always felt like while NY’s music was very influential on PJ, he seemed more of a kindred spirit with Sonic Youth.
Right, Neil gets attached to Pearl Jam a lot (for obvious reasons) but I always felt like his music was very influential on PJ, he seemed more of a kindred spirit with Sonic Youth.

Agreed. I feel Neil was trying to elevate the music of Pearl Jam. He was trying to promote the music of Sonic Youth.

I saw that '91 tour and it was one of the most glorious nights of my life.
I discovered Sonic Youth by accident when I was like 15 years old and mostly listened to metal and some punk. I friend of mine taped a Metallica bootleg on a C90, and on the b-side he had taped over "Goo" by Sonic Youth (he didn't like it), so when the Metallica boot ended about fifteen minutes into side B on the tape, this weird noise appeared (as it turned out, the second half of "Mote"). I hated it at first and just turned off the tape and then rewinded side A again. But after a while I just let the tape roll and I kinda started to dig the following songs. Shortly after this, Nirvana exploded with "Teen Spirit" and I remember finally picking up (the complete) Goo on CD on the same day I also bought Nevermind. So they're a gateway band for me, in that they opened up my taste in new directions. I do have a weak spot for their early 90s albums, but Daydream Nation is probably still their most accomplished effort. A friend of mine once said that Sonic Youth ain't that different to a band like AC/DC or Rolling Stones, in that they have a formula that they follow through on every album, and while I'm not really that sure I agree with her, I guess this is the album where they perfected that formula. Still a solid 5 stars!

I discovered Marquee Moon a couple of years later when I read about it in a music magazine that wrote it up as this huge influence on 90s alternative rock. I bought it on CD and was blown away by it. Listening to it today was just as rewarding as when I first heard it. This is a timeless classic, and an album that continues to shape how rock music sounds. Score: 5 stars.

Sonic Youth - Daydream Nation

Allmusic Review:


Not as good as Sister.

4 / 5 stars.

Sonic Youth - Daydream Nation

Allmusic Review:


Really digging this so far, and it fits in very well after a morning full of Sun Ra and King Crimson.

"The Sprawl" is my favourite of the first three so far.

Sonic Youth - Daydream Nation

Allmusic Review:


Been a few years since I listened to this one too. Nothing I've ever disliked from the band, just seem to be one I go on hard kicks with for a while then don't listen to for a couple years. Rinse and repeat. I'm about due and this might kick it off for me again. 4/5