
People need to find new ideas and write new stories... This is getting really old. That 90's Show, Night Court with Harry's daughter, apparently they're making a Frasier continuation with Niles and Daphne's son... Just Stop!
People need to find new ideas and write new stories... This is getting really old. That 90's Show, Night Court with Harry's daughter, apparently they're making a Frasier continuation with Niles and Daphne's son... Just Stop!
Just wait 10 years until they reboot the reboots. Fullerer House. That 10's Show.
People need to find new ideas and write new stories... This is getting really old. That 90's Show, Night Court with Harry's daughter, apparently they're making a Frasier continuation with Niles and Daphne's son... Just Stop!
Personally I agree, if I want to watch Night Court or Frasier I’ll just go with the OG. However, it seems like a good chunk of American enjoys their 30 minute sitcoms with a bit of comfort and familiarity…
Personally I agree, if I want to watch Night Court or Frasier I’ll just go with the OG. However, it seems like a good chunk of American enjoys their 30 minute sitcoms with a bit of comfort and familiarity…
I'm honestly surprised. That's wild.
Atlanta...Teddy Perkins...yo!!!!

Also, Hulu...who the funk is Kenzie and why do you keep shoving ads of her boring ass music down my throat? First it was one song, now it's another. And they are both interchangeably forgettable.

But...Teddy Perkins.

Great episode. I've stopped trying to figure out what the fuck this show is trying to build to. Some of these episodes are just divergent and bonkers and great.
Yeeeeeaaaaahhhhh!!! That was a fun episode. I wasn’t sure what I was watching. Season 3 gets really weird.
I think it depends on how open you are right now to feeling any empathy at all for the other party and/or how much of a reflective mood you're in. It's tricky to talk about without giving too much away, because the show's greatest strength is in some of the turns it takes and how those play on what you have already taken for granted as true. Scenes that felt pretty raw to me might mean nothing to you, and vice versa. Like TLK notes, the divorce stuff is the plot, but the plot is only a device for the show to be able to talk about the things it really cares about.

I'd tentatively recommend, but know you can stop if it feels like too much and you're not missing the greatest plot twist in television history or anything like that.

I'm curious what your reaction is, because I imagine there might be some differences in the ways men & women interpret some of the events depicted on screen.
Yeah, I called BS on that as soon as I saw it and how Toby reacts. I don’t want to give it away but yeah, I think women will see that right away.
Chunk on Earth is a real riot. It's I guess supposed to be a documentary series co produced by Netflix and BBC. But it's so outlandish and has so many moments that will leaving you both laughing and saying what the actual fuck. There are more wtf moments than there is actual history.
Chunk on Earth is a real riot. It's I guess supposed to be a documentary series co produced by Netflix and BBC. But it's so outlandish and has so many moments that will leaving you both laughing and saying what the actual fuck. There are more wtf moments than there is actual history.
I've been watching this as well and think it's hilarious. Mile a minute jokes, and her deadpan is amazing. Wildly enough, the same writer as Black Mirror.
Chunk on Earth is a real riot. It's I guess supposed to be a documentary series co produced by Netflix and BBC. But it's so outlandish and has so many moments that will leaving you both laughing and saying what the actual fuck. There are more wtf moments than there is actual history.
Just watched the entire series today. Loved it.