The 1001 Album Generator Project Thread

Should we do a group project

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I haven't checked the site since the new one flipped in the last little bit, but I finally got to last night's/today's while making dinner a couple of hours ago - another one I'd never heard:

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Definitely one of those "I've done myself a disservice by not listening to this before" moments. One of the things I'm most looking forward to with this project is finally addressing some of these blind spots. Both The Jam and Paul Weller's solo stuff are things I've long been aware of but never really taken the dip on, save a compilation appearance or two from Weller that I don't recall disliking, but also never liked enough to push me deeper.

This album rips! I'm pretty sure 25 years ago me would have enjoyed this immensely as well. I didn't take any sort of listening notes since I was cooking for the family while I listened to it, but I absolutely loved it from start to finish and will definitely be revisiting it again, likely tracking down a vinyl copy and eventually dipping deeper into their catalogue.

The version on Stupify has the UK and original US track listing, which features "Billy Hunt" instead of "The Butterfly Collector." While I enjoyed the whole album immensely, I found myself particularly enjoying the back half of both sides the most, especially "'A' Bomb in Wardour Street" and "Down in the Tube Station at Midnight" to close out the album.
Love this album and group! Almost no one in the US know them.
He's been busy since getting in trouble. Spotify shows 7 albums since 2020. :oops:

Yeah he released the three that were ready to drop in 2019 when it all blew up. Then three new ones. And the cover of Nebraska and he’s released covers of Blood on the Tracks and Morning Glory that I think are on his website exclusively to start with but will eventually end on streaming. He was always prolific. Only the first two of that pile got physical releases, they were self released but I think the pressing people or agent got flack so everything since was only online.

A bit like TLK, I was a huge fan and my relationship with the music goes back deep and a long way. But yeah I don’t often feel like digging them out these days and when I do I don’t feel the need to put them on insta or the forum in the way I do most other stuff I spin.
Yeah he released the three that were ready to drop in 2019 when it all blew up. Then three new ones. And the cover of Nebraska and he’s released covers of Blood on the Tracks and Morning Glory that I think are on his website exclusively to start with but will eventually end on streaming. He was always prolific. Only the first two of that pile got physical releases, they were self released but I think the pressing people or agent got flack so everything since was only online.

A bit like TLK, I was a huge fan and my relationship with the music goes back deep and a long way. But yeah I don’t often feel like digging them out these days and when I do I don’t feel the need to put them on insta or the forum in the way I do most other stuff I spin.
He also sells out Carnegie Hall. There is a fan base very devoted.

It seems like since the article above, he has left the allegations alone and it seems like that is what his current crisis pr wants him to do.

So @Lee Newman you prodded me into starting this thing. And the first album was Tapestry which yeah it’s great and every songs a single but also not so much discovery.
Since it’s 1,000 classic albums, definitely gonna be a bunch you already know. But then some will pop up that you’ve never heard or always meant to listen to.
He also sells out Carnegie Hall. There is a fan base very devoted.

It seems like since the article above, he has left the allegations alone and it seems like that is what his current crisis or wants him to do.

Yeah totally and Don Was seems totally on board. Capitol won’t allow him to release the records anymore but he was there at a lot of the concerts recording.
I'm in, I'll wait for the "Official" group project to start. I'm assuming we'll all be dialing into the same project on the "One album a day" site, I think everyone listening to the same album would be interesting, but if it's one album a day, I'm not sure everyone would have the time to keep that pace and or how and when would the discussions take place? Or is it going to be a more free-form whenever you post it kind of thing.

Maybe the "Official" group, if listening to the same album, can do 1 or 2 albums a week, posting thoughts, comments and what not over the weekend. Just spit balling.
I think I'm going to have somewhat of a hot take for folks around these parts on this album. It's just ok. I've listened to it at least a dozen times over the years and I would go so far as to say I lean toward enjoying the album, but it's nothing special for me. Birds and Ships with Natalie Merchant is the track that most stands out to me stylistically. Lyrically I enjoy the whole album, but I prefer Wilco on their own and only the occasional Billy Bragg song.

I could see this being an album that might grow on you if you dug deep and kept it spinning for a few sessions close together, perhaps aided by some mind relaxing substances. But it feels like work to love this and the appeal to do that work is not there for me.

737B25DD-A331-4923-B60E-0AA56B566E21.jpegR.E.M. - Murmur

Man I haven’t listen to this in forever. May be a big reason why I don’t necessarily gravitate to lyrics. What the hell is Stipe ever mumbling about.

Radio Free Europe - jangly makes me want to bop. That voice, the baseline, the insistent drum line. Man this is great!
From the allmusic review: “Leaving behind the garagey jangle pop of their first recordings” wuh? I should probably listen to Chronic Town Again but this isn’t garagey and jangly?

Pilgrimage - like the way it builds and stops to start over again…