Political Discussion

F*ck these people. For Christians, they are seriously lacking in the empathy department.

A federal judge in Texas agreed on Wednesday with plaintiffs -- a handful of employers in the state -- that requiring insurers to cover the costs of medications for HIV pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) infringed on their religious rights, effectively scrapping a central tenet of the Affordable Care Act (ACA).

O'Connor's decision came in response to Braidwood Management v. Becerra (formerly Kelley v. Becerra) in which the plaintiffs argued that the ACA requirement for insurers to pay for certain preventive services was unconstitutional, because it encouraged behavior that clashed with their personal and religious beliefs. While the lawsuit would eliminate the mandate for all preventive services, some plaintiffs appeared most concerned about services related to reproductive and sexual health.

One plaintiff, Steven Hotze, MD, a family medicine doctor according to The Texas Tribune, argued in the complaint that he did not want to pay for employer insurance that includes coverage of PrEP, "because these drugs facilitate or encourage homosexual behavior" and are contrary to his "sincere religious beliefs."

Just. Ugh. "Got HIV from medical treatment? Get fucked, the gays need to get that aids and die" what a cruel religion and people. Fuck every single one of these hateful trashbags.
Just. Ugh. "Got HIV from medical treatment? Get fucked, the gays need to get that aids and die" what a cruel religion and people. Fuck every single one of these hateful trashbags.

Totally agree.

And what angers me more is you know their goal is to eliminate coverage for everyone. To prevent insurance from covering this. We all know what will happen. It won't be the option to not get this coverage if it's against your religion. It's that nobody gets the coverage.
It looks like Queen Elizabeth is in serious health condition
I wonder if she’s also having problems with the NHS and the gutting of its services. Something tells me no. I feel for her, but she gets far better care than your average UK citizen.

BBC changed their program and is open for everyone in the world, logo is now in black, family members are rushing to her bedside. In my opinion she passed already. Waiting for an official announcement now, seems there is a complete protocol "London Bridge is Over".
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BBC changed their program and is open for everyone in the world, logo is now in black, family members are rushing to her bedside. In my opinion she passed already. Waiting for an official announcement now, seems there is a complete protocol "London Bridge is Over".
I hope the monarchy dies with her.
Do any of the Aussies or Canadians out there think that Charlie boy on the thrown now makes a republican referendum in your countries much more likely to pass. You’d have to imagine so.
I hope the monarchy dies with her.

It won't. But I agree.

Obviously any loss of life is sad, especially for the family and whatnot - but it saddens me more how much her death and the passing of the crown are going to cost taxpayers of the commonwealth - especially in the UK.

Britain isn’t ready for a republic. She was too highly regarded. Now whether Charlie boy and his heir, the prince of pegging, manage to tank that popularity is to be seen. I’d be surprised if it went definitively in my lifetime.
Do any of the Aussies or Canadians out there think that Charlie boy on the thrown now makes a republican referendum in your countries much more likely to pass. You’d have to imagine so.

Too much apathy in younger voters and too many boomers who love the Royal Family still able to make their way to voting stations.

Plus prime minister Hair got voted in on a promise of electoral reform and then decided people don't actually want electoral reform, so if we did vote to rid ourselves of the monarchy he'd probably just decide people actually want the monarchy and once again not do as we've asked.

I don't really have a reason to mourn, but it does feel strange. Long as she's been around, it's just felt like a constant that always has been and always would be. Interested to see what this means for the future of the royal family and the UK.

Yeah I mean I’m trying to say very little in some ways because she’s a person with a family and was by all accounts quite a decent person given the position she was in in life. I suppose even a committed republican like me has to admit that her longevity kind of made her a constant and a cultural figure in my life, for better or worse.

Hopefully now that she’s gone there will be a serious conversation about the farce that is a monarchy in a democratic country in the 21st century. I can’t see there being a definitive change in my lifetime though, not unless Charles and his spawn mess it up even more than they likely will.
Yeah I mean I’m trying to say very little in some ways because she’s a person with a family and was by all accounts quite a decent person given the position she was in in life. I suppose even a committed republican like me has to admit that her longevity kind of made her a constant and a cultural figure in my life, for better or worse.

Hopefully now that she’s gone there will be a serious conversation about the farce that is a monarchy in a democratic country in the 21st century. I can’t see there being a definitive change in my lifetime though, not unless Charles and his spawn mess it up even more than they likely will.

I feel so much of this so much.
Yeah I mean I’m trying to say very little in some ways because she’s a person with a family and was by all accounts quite a decent person given the position she was in in life. I suppose even a committed republican like me has to admit that her longevity kind of made her a constant and a cultural figure in my life, for better or worse.

Hopefully now that she’s gone there will be a serious conversation about the farce that is a monarchy in a democratic country in the 21st century. I can’t see there being a definitive change in my lifetime though, not unless Charles and his spawn mess it up even more than they likely will.
Yeah, I imagine many folks in Ireland, Scotland, Canada, etc have some words, and they'd be pretty valid. She was an interesting, complex, and larger than life figure at the very least.

My theory is that interest in the royal family will decline with a deeply uncharismatic figure at its head.