Online Vinyl Deals

Resisted the Rough Trade sale for about two days. Very diverse, but I set a limit of $100 for myself.
Recognized Nérija from the album cover from skimming a few N&G RotM threads a few weeks ago. Enjoyed the first few tracks so that was an easy selection for the price.
Also, the signed print with the newest LUMP record is too much of a draw to ignore...even if the album missed out on my top50 last year. Like a few of you mentioned, I don't know why that hasn't sold out yet.
Added a few others, primarily ambient/avant-garde.


This stupid sale freakin destroyed me. Stupid sexy Rough Trade. Never record shop on SF Red Bull + D10 gummies

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Nice price for Marissa Nadler, probably my favorite of hers.
This stupid sale freakin destroyed me. Stupid sexy Rough Trade. Never record shop on SF Red Bull + D10 gummies

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And from when i posted this sale:

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I've recently remembered (again) how I still need to get that Thurston, so this might be the final reminder needed.

I've been ignoring the sale and now I see I missed this, so looks like I'm going down the rabbit hole.

For anyone not familiar, 75 Dollar Bill is fantastic. I haven't heard this live album yet, but have recordings of some of their other shows that are all top notch.

Has anyone else noticed how different records show up every time you search the Rough Trade site under the sale section? Maybe I'm just imagining it since it is a large selection, but this album, for example, did not show up when I previously searched.
Has anyone else noticed how different records show up every time you search the Rough Trade site under the sale section? Maybe I'm just imagining it since it is a large selection, but this album, for example, did not show up when I previously searched.
I noticed that if you don't choose to sort by alphabetical order and leave it as the default sorting method it glitches and doesn't show everything.
I noticed that if you don't choose to sort by alphabetical order and leave it as the default sorting method it glitches and doesn't show everything.
Yeah, I agree that when you search under "relevent" or "popular" there's a glitch where new/redundant things show up. But even Alphabetical that's happening to a lesser extent. For example, this just showed up: and definitely wasn't there before.


Here's another one: -- this is a great album and it's $7

Elvis Costello, Armed Forces deluxe for $100:
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I've recently remembered (again) how I still need to get that Thurston, so this might be the final reminder needed.

I've been ignoring the sale and now I see I missed this, so looks like I'm going down the rabbit hole.

Yeah and Discogs only seems to show a colored version. I'm kinda kicking myself for skipping the Cindy Lee on Superior Viaduct for $10 but RT's free ship threshold is too high for me to dip into the water again
Yeah, if you spent your allotted budget, best not to go back down the rabbit hole. But to give you a sense of how much is new: I already have $200 of stuff in my cart (that I hope to pare down) that I didn't see yesterday. Yikes.

And especially don't look at this:
why you do this to me??? :cry:

if it was the new career box i'd jump right on it. but probably won't listen to these despite the price being so good...