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Phuk Sekiro!!!! My gaming just isn’t at that level. I mean, at least buy me dinner before you F me!

W that said, A Plague Tale was great. Super easy but satisfying and good story.
Days of Play sale is coming up for all you Playstation owners. Some major discounts in store. Think I'll finally be able to pick up Spider Man and RE2.
haven't most of the recent Call of Duty games included a zombie mode that was sort of Left 4 Dead style, where it was 4 player co-op vs a horde of zombies? I think you could even play as JFK and Fidel Castro in one of them if I'm not mistaken
I haven't played any since Advanced Warfare, so I'm not sure if newer titles all have zombies mode. In the past, only the games Treyarch developed (World At War, Black Ops series) had zombies. The MW series was done by Infinity Ward and didn't have zombies up through Advanced Warfare.
I haven’t bought an “Infinity Ward” CoD since the real IF split off and became Respawn. Titanfall 1 + 2 were leagues above anything they’ve done since. Zombies are still in Blops 4 (@Fillip J Phry nailed it, think the others had an Alien mode or something they tried at one point?)
I haven't played any since Advanced Warfare, so I'm not sure if newer titles all have zombies mode. In the past, only the games Treyarch developed (World At War, Black Ops series) had zombies. The MW series was done by Infinity Ward and didn't have zombies up through Advanced Warfare.
All recent game have had a horde based mode included. It comes to the usual zombies like Black Ops 4, Infinite Warfare and WW2. But their have been outliers like Aliens in Ghost and a regular just shoot bad guys like in MW3 if I remember correctly.
I haven't played any since Advanced Warfare, so I'm not sure if newer titles all have zombies mode. In the past, only the games Treyarch developed (World At War, Black Ops series) had zombies. The MW series was done by Infinity Ward and didn't have zombies up through Advanced Warfare.
got it, I totally forgot that there were two developers making different CoD games.
80+ hours into Red Dead 2, and I'm only at 56.6% complete. I'm betting the second half's playtime won't double the total playtime through, since I'm close to being done with the pelt collection portion. That sentence sounds kind of negative, but it's not, I've had a blast just riding around looking for things so the story's taken a backseat. I am in Chapter 4 of the story, and just completed the first/only? quest under Sadie's name - no spoilers, but you would definitely remember this one.

I'm also about 70% done with Yoku's Island Express. I finished the main story, and now I'm working on all the collectibles. Really fun game that doesn't overstay it's welcome.
So uh bets on Banjo in Smash?

I want to believe it but after that whole grinch leak fiasco i will not even think of it until I see nintendo put out a video with a his move list and all.
So uh bets on Banjo in Smash?

I want to believe it but after that whole grinch leak fiasco i will not even think of it until I see nintendo put out a video with a his move list and all.

They have to show at least one new character at E3, right? At that pace they won't all be released before next February.

Banjo doesn't sound has far fetched as it did a few months ago with MS and Nintendo getting closer.

A character from Dragon Quest would not surprise me, maybe around the same time DQ11 is released on Switch.