Pre-Order Thread

Asian Dub Foundation - Access Denied
Idlewild are doing a limited edition press of their debut LP captain. This one has only ever been on CD before

@McGlam im sure you’d want a heads up for this beaut!
Yeah, so I didn't actually order this thinking it would be available at my local store but it seems this is a web exclusive and is now sold out? That's a fuck up on my part.

John Hiatt

Crossing Muddy Waters​

Split Green & White color vinyl​

Ltd. 1200​

Damn, I was off the grid on vacation and missed this's my favorite Hiatt record, and pretty high on my all time favorites list. I'm assuming I'll se other versions.
Apparently the owner was good friends with John Prine, at least that is what I have heard.
Interesting. They’re an odd one. They were just a FB group for a long time with occasional pop ups, not sure when they opened the physical locations - only within the last couple years. But if they knew the Prine family that stands to reason.
Just read about this on P4K and gave it a listen, I really like it. Looks like this red version is either sold out or very expensive and shipped from overseas.... but..... for some reason it’s available on Amazon for preorder for a good price

Not even listening. Just ordering. That looks crazy.