Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

People with store credit right now:

VMP checking their warehouse like:
Hello all,

It has gotten a bit heated in here, which is understandable given VMP's continued issues with logistics. However we decided that we needed to make an official announcement to keep it civil. Some of the language here has crossed the line, and it's not in line with our vision of this place.

Specifically, attacking individuals over at VMP is off the table. Frankly attacking any individuals is not really acceptable, but just because they're not here doesn't mean you can single people out. Too many of the recent posts have waded into this territory, and frankly it's not OK.

You have to remember there are both people here who like the VMP service and those who do not. You should be respectful no matter which side of this divide you sit on, and many here have not been.

If you continue to attack individuals you will be issued warnings, and then possibly temporary bans if it does not stop. The internet does not have to be a combative angry place, but any place will only be whatever its members make of it.
Specifically, attacking individuals over at VMP is off the table. Frankly attacking any individuals is not really acceptable, but just because they're not here doesn't mean you can single people out. Too many of the recent posts have waded into this territory, and frankly it's not OK.
100% this. Stick to the company as a whole if you do need to vent about stuff.

I noticed that Storf was saying on Reddit that he was getting comments amounting to fat-shaming, or calling for him to be fired - both of these are just totally outrageous and disgusting things to attack anyone with.
I noticed that Storf was saying on Reddit that he was getting comments amounting to fat-shaming, or calling for him to be fired - both of these are just totally outrageous and disgusting things to attack anyone with.

Yes, the bold would be outrageous and disgusting...if they actually happened. Which they didn't, at least not in public comments (I cannot speak to his PMs).

The whole "calling for him to be fired bit" started when I said the following in a comment to a reply made to him:

God, if I worked there I'd have my resume polished up and be actively looking.

Yeah, but you're still on board a sinking ship. There's no way VMP is all that profitable or has a healthy balance sheet + cash flow, and a month or more of this clusterfuck they're going through is going to hurt big time. And the slim margins mixed with an unpredictable cash flow means big trouble at the next sight of any global or domestic economic downturn.

This isn't a company that can survive even a mild recession right now.

I'd hate to get stuck standing on that ship when the music stops.

To this, he responded:

There's a way to express your frustration with VMP/skepticism at how we're handling things without it being about me personally losing my job (a person with a family, dreams and as real as you), and this is not it, just for the record!

Now, nowhere did ANYONE say "I hope Storf gets fired" or "Storf should lose his job". What I DID say is that if I were in his shoes, I'd personally be looking at external opportunities. I'm not someone who likes to be the person asked to rearrange deck chairs on the Titanic.

But Storf has blown this up into some huge personal attack and is ADAMANT that people are calling for him to lose his job. It's ridiculous. It's a lie, full stop.

I'm all for what @Needles & Grooves said about making personal attacks on VMP employees. The problem is, that doesn't appear to be something that has actually happened in reality. Just a lie Storf has repeated endlessly over the past few days. I'm fairly active on reddit, and I have never seen anyone call Storf any of the things he has suggested, have not seen anyone make digs about his mother - as he has claimed, and certainly no one has called for him to be fired. He has been asked where these things have occurred, and has not responded. So unless this is all going down in PMs to him, he's making it up. Which, after ALL of the issues with the company he works for, is just another drop in the bucket of things that are frustrating about the VMP experience.
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Yes, the bold would be outrageous and disgusting...if they actually happened. Which they didn't, at least not in public comments (I cannot speak to his PMs).

The whole "calling for him to be fired bit" started when I said the following in a comment to a reply made to him:

To this, he responded:

Now, nowhere did ANYONE say "I hope Storf gets fired" or "Storf should lose his job". What I DID say is that if I were in his shoes, I'd personally be looking at external opportunities. I'm not someone who likes to be the person asked to rearrange deck chairs on the Titanic.

But Storf has blown this up into some huge personal attack and is ADAMANT that people are calling for him to lose his job. It's ridiculous. It's a lie, full stop.

I'm all for what @Needles & Grooves said about making personal attacks on VMP employees. The problem is, that doesn't appear to be something that has actually happened in reality. Just a lie Storf has repeated endlessly over the past few days. I'm fairly active on reddit, and I have never seen anyone call Storf any of the things he has suggested, have not seen anyone make digs about his mother - as he has claimed, and certainly no one has called for him to be fired. He has been asked where these things have occurred, and has not responded. So unless this is all going down in PMs to him, he's making it up. Which, after ALL of the issues with the company he works for, is just another drop in the bucket of things that are frustrating about the VMP experience.

Yes, the bold would be outrageous and disgusting...if they actually happened. Which they didn't, at least not in public comments (I cannot speak to his PMs).

The whole "calling for him to be fired bit" started when I said the following in a comment to a reply made to him:

To this, he responded:

Now, nowhere did ANYONE say "I hope Storf gets fired" or "Storf should lose his job". What I DID say is that if I were in his shoes, I'd personally be looking at external opportunities. I'm not someone who likes to be the person asked to rearrange deck chairs on the Titanic.

But Storf has blown this up into some huge personal attack and is ADAMANT that people are calling for him to lose his job. It's ridiculous. It's a lie, full stop.

I'm all for what @Needles & Grooves said about making personal attacks on VMP employees. The problem is, that doesn't appear to be something that has actually happened in reality. Just a lie Storf has repeated endlessly over the past few days. I'm fairly active on reddit, and I have never seen anyone call Storf any of the things he has suggested, have not seen anyone make digs about his mother - as he has claimed, and certainly no one has called for him to be fired. He has been asked where these things have occurred, and has not responded. So unless this is all going down in PMs to him, he's making it up. Which, after ALL of the issues with the company he works for, is just another drop in the bucket of things that are frustrating about the VMP experience.
It’s the namecalling here. I have no say how people want to interact on reddit, but here I do. And it’s gone too far.
100% this. Stick to the company as a whole if you do need to vent about stuff.

I noticed that Storf was saying on Reddit that he was getting comments amounting to fat-shaming, or calling for him to be fired - both of these are just totally outrageous and disgusting things to attack anyone with.

As far as I know, this has never happened publicly. And the reason i dont let it go is because I dont want the unrest and anger toward VMP to be distorted into painting everyone as a bunch of degenerate trolls going after people's jobs and their weight as ways to display childish tantrums. Again, idk what he has gotten in his DM but as others have shown, he is using some liberal parameters to define a personal attack.
Has anyone here called for Storf to be fired? Perhaps I missed it (this thread moves fast), but I haven't seen that here - and that's specifically something noted in @Needles & Grooves post

no, that was noted in another users post as something that happened on reddit, to which you took exception.

i'm not sure why you are choosing to 'yeah, but' our post here, but there are personal attacks toward storf in this very thread, which is what we are addressing. we can't control what is or isn't posted elsewhere, but we can here.
Has anyone here called for Storf to be fired? Perhaps I missed it (this thread moves fast), but I haven't seen that here - and that's specifically something noted in @Needles & Grooves post
No it wasn't. The post above has no details of that sort. Since you say you're very active in Reddit please keep what happens there and here separate.
no, that was noted in another users post as something that happened on reddit, to which you took exception.

i'm not sure why you are choosing to 'yeah, but' our post here, but there are personal attacks toward storf in this very thread, which is what we are addressing. we can't control what is posted elsewhere, but we can here.

I took exception to direct mention of that incident because it was my reply to Storf that set it off. My bad if I over reacted - haven't had my morning coffee yet (y)

By the way, didn't know you were an admin here - good to see fellow DMB folks here!
No it wasn't. The post above has no details of that sort. Since you say you're very active in Reddit please keep what happens there and here separate.

I mixed up @mcherry and @Needles & Grooves posts, so that's my bad and on me.

Just ignore me, I guess. I'm cranky without coffee and VMP has just left such a bad taste lately that all I want to do is bitch somewhere :ROFLMAO:
I mixed up @mcherry and @Needles & Grooves posts, so that's my bad and on me.

Just ignore me, I guess. I'm cranky without coffee and VMP has just left such a bad taste lately that all I want to do is bitch somewhere :ROFLMAO:
Feel ya there. Not sure if I should have coffee today but I didn’t have any yesterday and flu be damned if I’m going through more caffeine withdrawal