Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

I wonder if they have multiple servers that aren’t syncing/mirroring correctly, so what you see is dependent on which one you got directed to each time you log in.

Careful trying deduce what the problem might be, they’re watching and waiting for us to solve the problem so that they can take credit for the resolution as their own.
Storf on reddit replying to someone downvoted for complaining that someone complained about VMP:
Sorry you’re getting obliterated here, but this is to be expected: it was a problem on the forum too. People pointing out that they have no issues get browbeaten into submission while people with issues demand they have empathy for those who are unhappy when it’s clearly not a two-way street.
How many levels of bullshit are here? In the very thread he posts this reply are people calling OP a fucking idiot and being upvoted for it. It's much more common of an occurrence for someone posting a valid complaint about the company to get shit on for it than it is the other way around, especially on the subreddit, barring the last few days, and when that does happen it's with much more vitriol. Same was true of the first Anthology group. I love how he uses the opportunity to throw the old forum under the bus as well.

It’s an outgrowth of me and Paul being the ire of everyone because we’re the only targets putting our heads above water; can’t hit a face you can’t see, but that’s whatever.
If it makes you feel better, Storf, I think most everyone thinks you two are among the least pieces of shit at the company. And it's not just that you are the ones sticking your heads out, the higher-ups are more well protected in every way. I was temporarily banned from the Anthology FB group for a pretty innocuous comment referencing Matt's infamous "more time" line.
Storf on reddit replying to someone downvoted for complaining that someone complained about VMP:

How many levels of bullshit are here? In the very thread he posts this reply are people calling OP a fucking idiot and being upvoted for it. It's much more common of an occurrence for someone posting a valid complaint about the company to get shit on for it than it is the other way around, especially on the subreddit, barring the last few days, and when that does happen it's with much more vitriol. Same was true of the first Anthology group. I love how he uses the opportunity to throw the old forum under the bus as well.


If it makes you feel better, Storf, I think most everyone thinks you two are among the least pieces of shit at the company. And it's not just that you are the ones sticking your heads out, the higher-ups are more well protected in every way. I was temporarily banned from the Anthology FB group for a pretty innocuous comment referencing Matt's infamous "more time" line.
This upsets me for a number of reasons, but people getting mad at people who waltz in and say, "I don't have any problems" get upset because those people are trying to invalidate their completely legitimate complaints. There is no reason not to downvote them. They add nothing and imply that they don't believe the people who are upset for good reason. Storf acting like that is toxic and that he is looking out for the poor soul who got some downvotes for saying "not me!" proves, yet again, he is an absolute nightmare of a PR.
Storf on reddit replying to someone downvoted for complaining that someone complained about VMP:

How many levels of bullshit are here? In the very thread he posts this reply are people calling OP a fucking idiot and being upvoted for it. It's much more common of an occurrence for someone posting a valid complaint about the company to get shit on for it than it is the other way around, especially on the subreddit, barring the last few days, and when that does happen it's with much more vitriol. Same was true of the first Anthology group. I love how he uses the opportunity to throw the old forum under the bus as well.


If it makes you feel better, Storf, I think most everyone thinks you two are among the least pieces of shit at the company. And it's not just that you are the ones sticking your heads out, the higher-ups are more well protected in every way. I was temporarily banned from the Anthology FB group for a pretty innocuous comment referencing Matt's infamous "more time" line.
In the same post he basically says "we're working on it" which like, dude. That is basically a meme at this point.
This upsets me for a number of reasons, but people getting mad at people who waltz in and say, "I don't have any problems" get upset because those people are trying to invalidate their completely legitimate complaints. There is not reason not to downvote them. They add nothing and imply that they don't believe the people who are upset for good reason. Storf acting like that is toxic and that he is looking out for the poor soul who got some downvotes for saying "not me!" proves he is an absolute nightmare of a PR.

It also demonstrates the reality of why their forum was taken down 7 months ago.
It wasn't to "build something better" as they stated.
It was to silence / more easily dismiss the complaints, which (almost) everyone here already knew

It also shows what a mega-ego VMP staff have about themselves and their company - not surprising but disappointing