Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

So advertised shipping in March, actual shipping in December 2020 after Christmas? 5 other variants get released in two weeks from now and all ship on time? That would line up with their current practices right?
yes, they completely half-assed that part of it. traditionally the cutover would involve bringing both systems down until the new one is ready to go-live but they seem to be a little more "fly by the seat of their pants" than the projects I work on...
They really fly by the seat of their pants on everything... except pushing FOMO.
Positivity/Optimistic = more attractive/sexiness

Negativity/Pessimistic = less attractive/ugly

You don’t want to be ugly Murfocakes, do you? 🤔🙅‍♂️🐀

Pessimism can be seen as realism. Not my words but @Skalap and we all know he is the most handsome member of the N&G fraternity.

I could do with being more ugly. People keep thinking of me as just a body. I’ve got a mind too you know! This song sums up my feelings

Pessimism can be seen as realism. Not my words but @Skalap and we all know he is the most handsome member of the N&G fraternity.

I could do with being more ugly. People keep thinking of me as just a body. I’ve got a mind too you know! This song sums up my feelings

It's really hard to get past physical appearances, especially on an online forum, but I'll try to stop focusing on your body and work to see you for the man you are. Thank you for pushing me to be better.