Vinyl Me, D - A Free Record Club

Yer Ol' Uncle D

Well-Known Member
May 15, 2019
Left Of The Dial
So....I'm sitting here in a little euphoric, IPA haze listening to records (I refer to this particular night of the week as "every night") and was thinking about this cool thing @kickerofelves did on the old forum - he created his own record club for 3 subscribers.....all on his dime. No cost. Twelve records. Shipped to their door. Completely free of charge.

That was an absolutely top-shelf gesture.

In his spirit, I'm gonna do the same. I've often said here, there and throughout life in general, "There's nothing better than sharing good music with good people", and I reckon a philosophy like that is nothing without the money being placed in the mouth hole. So...who wants to be a VMD member?

Gonna work it a little differently than @kickerofelves. Where he took the first 3 folks to respond to his post, I'm doing a random drawing for the 3 subscribers. If you'd like to enter, simply like this post. It's just that easy. I'll leave the hat open until 9-25-22 to give everyone that would like to participate ample time to enter.

As for the club itself, I'll send you 12 records on the house. You'll get one per month for a year. I'm not advanced enough to offer swaps and stuff like that, but will send a record that I dig and feel other folks might enjoy. There will be no cocktail recipes, no art prints, no fancy stickers, no listening guides to tell you why you're supposed to like the record - just music you'll hopefully enjoy. At most, I may post a line or two explaining why I chose the record. To me, music is a visceral, reactive thing. It either clicks with you or it's not your bag. That doesn't make music you can't connect with bad, it just means it's good for someone else.

This whole deal is totally off the cuff - I had a random recollection, was inspired and just said, "Fuck it, I'm doing it." I have no plan for the records or what they might be, but selections will likely follow my general musical taste so check my posts on the forum to get a feel for my vibe. It ain't for everybody. I hope you get a record you dig and that you don't already own, but if a selection doesn't pan out, feel free to PIF/sell/trade that thing.

Thanks for entering. My wish is this will be just as much fun for the winners as it'll be for me.
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Foolishness of biblical proportion transitioned to a list of monthly records...

Vinyl Me, D Monthly Selections

Oct '22
Shooter Jennings & Hierophant - Black Ribbons

Nov '22
Various Artists - Psych-Out Christmas

Dec.' 22
The Jesus And Mary Chain - Psychocandy

Jan '23 - a 3-fer of talented ladies
Bette Smith - Jetlagger

Cowboy Junkies - Songs Of the Recollection

Lilly Hiatt - Trinity Lane

Feb '23
Neil Young - Tonight's The Night

Mar '23
The Cult - Love

Apr '23
Lou Reed - Live In Italy

May '23
Reuben Wilson - Love Bug

Swamp Dogg - I Need A Job...So I Can Buy More Auto-Tune
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This is an amazing act, and doesn't surprise me from Yer Ol! I always appreciate your recs, and have purchased quite a few too. Would love to hop in, but even more so would like to follow along the picks and probably pick them up on my own anyway. Damn!
@Yer Ol' Uncle D
