Schiit Sol

i really hope the sol can succeed.. a good replacement to the mofi ultradeck or VPI prime for the 1K price range would be incredible and this is to an extent cheaper
It’s hardly a replacement for a MoFi Ultradeck or a VPI Prime. Not even close.

It’s cool for hardcore tinkerers. I love to tinker. I love listening to music more.
Totally agree, tinkerers dream. I don't mind some tinkering, but I'm much more set and forget these days. At the Sol price point I think it'd still go with the PLX 1000 personally. I do like some of the Sol's design principles, but honestly it just seems like it could be a bit of a headache to own.
Schiit Head (u/AnotherSchiitHead) - Reddit
On June 9th, Jason Stoddard & Mike Moffat fielded questions during a live stream. The Sol was Mike's project, so he answered the customer's question, "What is going on with the Sol and will it ever come back? He indicated that there is 2 persistent issues going forward they can't overcome. First, it is a nightmare for the assemblers to QA and ship. Second, they are having supplier issues. He said in all likelihood, the Sol will be slowly fazed out and will never come back. I am sorry if that is very bad news. I was interested in getting one eventually, but that isn't going to happen now.
I had thought about one as well.
I may or may not have a HiFiShark notification going for this deck. They go up for sale every six months or so.

I know in my heart that the UltraDeck is probably a better table, but this thing is just so danged cool.

I think all the teething problems that caused them to cease production would have me run very very fast in the opposite direction…
I think all the teething problems that caused them to cease production would have me run very very fast in the opposite direction…
It wasn't the teething problems, it was the pandemic wreaking havoc on the supply chain + the amount of individual attention each unit required in manufacturing before shipping to the customer. The table itself is pretty phenomenal, by all accounts, and a very simple design.

An 11-inch unipivot tonearm for under $1000! Stereophile reviewed it twice and was extremely favorable both times.
Sadly, they're so rare and unusual that they're going for more than original MSRP, maybe around $1000 on average?

Then again, the UltraDeck + MasterTracker is retailing at $2999 these days, so maybe it's just the cost of inflation.
This goes in the pile of "Things I'd like to have, but at my price", lol. If it happens it happens, if not, no biggie ;)
I was having a little trouble with the Sol’s undamped cue lever not descending all the way, requiring a little manual intervention (ie pushing it down gently with one finger) to actually begin playback. After a few unsuccessful attempts at greasing the mechanism with Super Lube, I finally decided to go full tinker and take the thing apart to see what was going on. It took a bit of useless fiddling, but the issue turned out to be pretty simple, and likely something that had been wrong with the table since manufacturing: there’s a plastic disc along the main shaft of the cue platform that contains a cutout to accommodate a small metal guide pin, which keeps the whole shaft from spinning freely in place. This cutout was too tight, meaning that the guide pin was exerting enough friction on the disc as it descended to eventually stop it in place. Five minutes with a tiny rasp, a fresh application of grease, and I have a functional cue lever!

I feel so handy.

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