Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Yeah my guess is because Roots will get a wide release shortly after. But on the other hand so will Caroline Rose so who knows...

My guess is they just want to make sure people know it's coming down the pipeline so they don't preorder the album elsewhere and end up with extras. They announced the St. Vincent title pretty early for the same reason. And since Roots isn't a new release it's not as big of a concern
Did they drop any other hints, or just a "punk" album? Do we expect a Blink182/Green Day "punk" drop? Or Ramones? NOFX/Rancid? The Clash? I'm interested.
Storf said this:

I'm mildly intrigued, but I don't know what album it could be that would sell to a "mainstream" audience. Some people thought the album could be Minor Threat's Discography, but I don't know if it will sell to their audience. I'd get it if it was this, but I don't know who the hell would buy that
Yeah honestly, if this is a punk album, that was originally described by Storf as one of the first punk albums ever I believe... and it's never been on vinyl... then it's not a good album, or it's from 1995. Everything from 1960-70 was on vinyl.
Storf probably considers early Elvis Costello punk. Calling "My Aim is True" on bullseye vinyl.
While I don't agree, I do admire your passion for a company YOU truly support. That being said, I would take the advice given to you a few times, at this point get that $500 refunded ASAP, that's money lost if things go further down the hole. You can always renew at a later date, and I would like to think that an email from a member who has been this supportive, on the outside chance you miss something, would be taken care least that's what I think they SHOULD do. But I think we're more worried about you losing all that credit if you let it linger too long. ;)
If I don’t hear from them by this Friday, I’m going to tell them to just send me a 6-month gift membership and they can take $209 from my VMP store credits. If they don’t do that by the end of next week.....then I don’t know what...😶

I didn’t pay through PayPal, I paid through bank statement! 🤐🤦‍♂️
Storf said this:

I'm mildly intrigued, but I don't know what album it could be that would sell to a "mainstream" audience. Some people thought the album could be Minor Threat's Discography, but I don't know if it will sell to their audience. I'd get it if it was this, but I don't know who the hell would buy that

That was an autocorrect for the first P!nk album, sincere apologies for the confusion.
Anything on ROIR tapes? Trying to think of something that never made it to LP.

How about The Screamers?

The Screamers were a band formed amongst the first wave of L.A punk acts to sweep the American West Coast in the mid-1970s. Originally called The Tupperwares, the band, confronted by legal threats, changed their name to The Screamers in 1976.
Progenitors of the nascent ‘synthpunk’ scene, The Screamers were known for their unusual instrumentation; utilizing an electric piano and synthesizer whilst ignoring conventional apparatus such as guitars. The band never released a recording, though several live bootlegs have since been collated into compilations.

Awesome stuff
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