Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

My goal was to get MMW. If that failed I was gonna go for Daptone. And if THAT failed I’d go for Phoenix. Well I missed all three because I got distracted by something at work.

Store credit I guess it is. Maybe Grizzly Bear. I can’t tell if I’m getting burnt out by VMP in particular or just vinyl collecting as a whole. But nothing is really appealing to me these past couple of months. There’s been some great sales online elsewhere that I don’t even feel compelled to take advantage of.
It's been a wild ride these past few years, but I'm finally out of the VMP club.

This year's favorites, in no particular order:
Johnny Cash - At Folsom Prison
The Strokes - Room On Fire
Donna Summer - Bad Girls
OutKast - ATLiens (hopefully disc 2 still arrives after cancellation)
DARKSIDE - Psychic