Vinyl Me Please (store, exclusives, swaps, etc)

Days like today I'm glad I'm only a "casual" Mars Volta fan whose interest pretty much began and ended with Deloused.

Although Frances is slightly tempting. $55 for a triple LP pressed at Optimal is... acceptable in 2021 I guess.
I will throw $15 towards your purchase of Frances because it's a god damn work of art.
Days like today I'm glad I'm only a "casual" Mars Volta fan whose interest pretty much began and ended with Deloused.

Although Frances is slightly tempting. $55 for a triple LP pressed at Optimal is... acceptable in 2021 I guess.
Frances I completely forgot I loved back in the day until I gave it a listen yesterday and still have the CD kicking around in storage. I wish I had store credit to burn because that's the only one I'd pull the trigger on, but not at like $80CAD. No way I can justify that.
Frances I completely forgot I loved back in the day until I gave it a listen yesterday and still have the CD kicking around in storage. I wish I had store credit to burn because that's the only one I'd pull the trigger on, but not at like $80CAD. No way I can justify that.
It was only $68 CAD
Just um... just in case anyone was wondering...